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Everything posted by fisherman

  1. Judging by the lack of action and comments I take this apartment is no closed
  2. Another apartment that’s become a waste of time. Pity it had the potential to become a long running saga.
  3. Just watched the bedroom scene and there is no way Caroline is giving this up just the look on her face would tell a blind man this is real.
  4. Do we know if Caroline and Park are married or just living together that would make a big difference
  5. So I think we all agree slag just lies around and does nothing.
  6. Slag is also the Leftovers from mining that also lays around doing nothing
  7. Need your eyes testing pal she is a tattooed fat do nothing slag
  8. She is to me as anal must be to her a pain in the arse
  9. Get rid of the male element and we could be in for some fun no more men ever in this apartment
  10. Sorry to piss on your bonfire but she is just another sorry girl fucking on camera to make some money instead of getting a proper job end of.
  11. Something you need to talk about we are all here for you
  12. 8 hrs between the last post and this speaks volumes about the villa at the moment
  13. How much longer are we supposed to put up with this recycling shit
  14. I suppose pratts like you still think there are more than 2 genders notice no emojis which most grown people find very silly
  15. Does anyone think it odd that cc gets new look just as RLC produce new look and I agree it’s a terrible layout why have old videos when you can’t watch them like giving a radio to a deaf person
  16. Have you not heard of virtual back washing it’s all the rage try it
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