It has been ages, since I have visited or posted in this forums.
Tonight I was thinking of couple who were on Camarads but I wouldn't recall their name so I wanted to log my old posts.
I was quite surprise to see that lot my post in regards to Camarads are gone. Now are they on another archive or simply gone?
The site has change lot maybe I'll visit again and post again lol
I am wrong to think that other woman is not into Henry at all. Only reason she letting Henry crop her is because her BF is turn on by it or is more swinger than she is.
I don't believe complete zero but I do believe she open sexually to an extent. Lisa would be open to make out session can lead to her having sex with just one guy.
Well Misty can surely handle 3 guys at once but can Lisa do two guys I don't think so. I don't believe she into orgy life style. Lisa would surprise me if she did take on two guys at same time.