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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. LOL, Adele in 8 I think and Danaya in 38 (to be exact). That is, if I even know what I'm talking about LOL
  2. One thing I can say for Nora, regardless of whether one likes her or not. She kept the apartment organized, peaceful, and entertaining - much better than has been the case since she left. Whether or not she has come back to visit out of friendship with Aida, or because she still has some kind of say-so in the apartment's activities, I think her presence has solidified Aida to keep her here. A lot of that discussion was probably a reminder that both Adele and Danaya will be gone within 45 days and she will be in the master bedroom :)
  3. I have to disagree. I was watching when Adele prepared two meals for herself the same day and left that mess in the kitchen. Had not Aida made a point of it, it would prob still be there. And I don't see your opinion of Aida holding up to questioning. Adele has been the bitch in this apartment, mostly since Ilona left. She steps in between any possibility of Dayana and Aida having a friendship, and craves for attention. I'm sure you've seen her pimp in front of the mirror to extremes. I'm not sure why you have a need to pass this problem onto Aida, but it's obvious to most of us that Adele is the issue here. Time will tell, Once Adele leaves we'll see how things go, and if I'm wrong I'll admit it.
  4. I agree, although I wish I could tell them that a one time experiment doesn't commit them to anything. We all try things; like some - don't like others. Getting wrapped up into thinking "once I make that decision, I can't go back" is a fictitious limit. There are some things in life that turn out that way, but experimental sex isn't one of them.
  5. omg, I just saw Adele make a cream cheese sandwich. She sliced off two thick pieces to put in the sandwich, then cut a 3rd to eat right then - that left her with one slice to put back in the fridge, so she shrugged and ate that too...
  6. Losing Adele will actually improve this apartment significantly. Danaya is not a leader although she tries to treat everyone equally - but she is so easily manipulated, and Adele is so good at it. Maybe when Adele leaves, Danaya and Aida will become friends - they seem to have well matched personalities. Danaya might even become her playfull self again. Then, as is always the case with RLC, a new girl will show up and who knows what we get...
  7. Yeah, I'm not sure what is going on here. They have been out on the porch over an hour (uncommon), Hector is in bed, if someone saw him packing I have to believe his work is sending him out of town? I don't know who the new guy is, but we do know now that the "Guest" is actually Hector's brother - which answers a few questions, anyway.
  8. I am sure this is a holdover until Nelly and Bogdan get back. Waste of time until that happens.
  9. I think Nora should stay downstairs until morning - that will cut Adele off from the kitchen and she'll starve by sunrise.
  10. PS HM88; I would have to guess it's either network connection of laptop. I have a high speed internet connection in a medium size city, and never noticed the video feed slow down. Hope that helps.
  11. Something to think about... for all the complaining, moaning, and disappointment stated about this apartment, The CamCaps Forum page shows far more comments about this abode than any other apartment. Leona and Paul come in a close second. If RLC's audience is anything similar to the reactions here, RLC's viewpoint is that the D&A and L&P apartments are their most successful. I realize many of the posts go back many months, but it's obvious to RLC a lot of people are watching - whether or not they like what they see. As I said, something to think about :)
  12. Guys, the statement on the CAM4 site says images captured on CAM4 are the property of Blue, and she has to give her written permission for them to be printed anywhere. Legally, those images can't be stored on CC without her permission.
  13. For all the complaints and assumptions, I'm seeing three young girls, one with obviously more experience (Adele) feeling out (pun intended) their place in life. Danaya is very unsure of herself and trying desperately to figure out who she is and what she wants. Adele has the experience to know how to control people - give them what they want but hold back just enough to make them want more. Aida is a more "controlled" person. She probably grew up with a lot of expectations, and this time in the apartment is testing what she has been taught. She very much wants to be liked, but isn't sure what she's willing to give up to get that attention. "Be patient Grasshopper"
  14. I think there is a competition going between Adele and Aida for Danaya's attention. I have to give Danaya credit for trying to balance the two without showing favoritism.
  15. I don't disagree for a moment that this apartment could be tons better, but I will make a couple points that are important... 1. From a free camera standpoint this apt is useless. The girls spend almost NO time in the living room thus non-subscribes see nothing to convince them to subscribe (=bad for RLC) 2. From a subscriber standpoint, you have two beautiful girls willing to get naked in front of the paid cameras (read as "limited audience), tease, touch, pinch nipples, "almost" kiss, and do things just short of getting intimate. This keep subscribers watching in some wild hope that they will do "something" worth snapping a picture of. (=good for RLC). 3. As is the pattern with RLC, one of the three girls will be replaced and a whole NEW dynamic will replace this one. Many of us will watch to see that new dynamic, and once again post wild theories about RLC, the girls, and whether this is "real" or "not". (=good for RLC). Don't ever forget that some of the voyeurs here want to see real life, but most all of them want to see girls running around naked and have sex - and if THAT isn't possible, they are satisfied to watch beautiful girls running around naked and teasing the hell out of us. There's little reason, in reality, to complain or otherwise moan about what things "should" be, because the constant replacement pattern will bring something new just around the corner. Do I get tired of "breast painting" ? Sure, but it's a whole lot better than watching the News :)
  16. Hmm... who ever said D&A were real lesbians? For that matter, who ever suggested K&K were? I think we're all in agreement they are not - and that they play up to each other mostly for the camera's. K&K are "experimenting". Whether that grows into an intimate relationship remains to be seen. "Fake Sex" as everyone wants to call it here is "playing around" or "experimenting". Many girls do this to see if it interests them, some do it only for the camera (D&A). this isn't rocket science here. Apartments with camera's ARE NOT real life, thus a wish that things are real life will never be fully accomplished. We waste an awful lot of time trying to define what real life is and whether these girls are fulfilling it or not when, at the same time, we know they are getting paid to show themselves in front of a camera. Bottom line is, enjoy what we get, or change the channel.
  17. Agreed. And about the script, I don't consider it an argument - just a discussion since no one knows the truth other than RLC lol
  18. Another thing about scripting... The D&A&A apartment is pretty much 90% in the girls rooms (and that's being generous). Don't you really think if RLC was scripting these apartments, they would tell the girls to spend more time in front of the free cameras? How can they convince people to subscribe if they cant even see who is in the apartment? The Living room might as well not be there, and they wouldn't be in the kitchen if they had fridges and a sink in their rooms. RLC doesn't script these apartments beyond a suggestion that "customers keep you here".
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