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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. This is the best this apartment has been in a long time. Vika is quickly becoming the Star, and Aida's youngish ways give us some hope for a brighter future. I was wondering why Aida's room seemed to be torn up - do you think Danaya may be leaving quicker than we thought? The day Danaya is gone and Aida and Vika lay complete claim to the apartment, the world will be a much better place :) PS: and I hope Vika never gets tired of running around naked :D
  2. Looks like Danaya is cleaning up her room - actually rubbing out marks on the wall. At least it's better than sleeping all the time.
  3. I don't think your going to see much of anything out of Danaya. She made her bed - and now has to sleep in it (pun intended). Starting a fight with the other two girls within an hour of Adele leaving was the worst thing she could have done. It would be better the longer she stays in her room. As I said before, I hope the best for her, but she screwed this performance up.
  4. I'm absolutely GaGa over the pics you guys captured of K&K today. I was away from the computer so couldn't follow it myself. Thank you guys :) I am ecstatic about these two girls back together again. Giving you all a positive Rep :)
  5. Vika is becoming "Housemother". She patrolled the apartment before she went to bed, turned off the TV, turned off the kitchen lights, adjusted the lights in the living room, then turned in :) If she stays long enough to make the master bedroom, she'll be well fitted for Housemother.
  6. FYI to hyflyer, I don't think Aida and Vika were arguing in the tub. It looked like Aida was trying to explain something and Vika wasn't getting it, so Aida got a little animated in trying again. There wasn't any anger showing on their faces, and everything was chummy chummy a few minutes later. :)
  7. Just a side note I've been thinking for quite a while now; I wish Aida would wear her hair down more. I really think she goes from "cute" to "beautiful" with her hair down.
  8. I don't mind him posting when there is something to say, but telling us 100 times in 60 minutes he doesn't like Danaya and can't wait for her to leave is more than a bit much.
  9. I'm really getting to like the amount of time Vika walks around the apartment naked - it really makes me smile :D
  10. shevchenko, is this really necessary??? Pictures ~ April 2016. shevchenko3434 replied to StnCld316's topic in Danaya, Adele, Aida, & Vika danaI think the chances are forcing Just now Pictures ~ April 2016. shevchenko3434 replied to StnCld316's topic in Danaya, Adele, Aida, & Vika adelewent danayanow fightwith the girls Just now Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos April 2016. shevchenko3434 replied to StnCld316's topic in Danaya, Adele, Aida, & Vika adelewent danayanow fightwith the girls 5 minutes ago Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos April 2016. shevchenko3434 replied to StnCld316's topic in Danaya, Adele, Aida, & Vika danayanow over..........escape soon 19 minutes ago Pictures ~ April 2016. shevchenko3434 replied to StnCld316's topic in Danaya, Adele, Aida, & Vika danayanow over........ 21 minutes ago Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos April 2016. shevchenko3434 replied to StnCld316's topic in Danaya, Adele, Aida, & Vika danaalone...............soon go 26 minutes ago
  11. For a girl that wanted Aida to cover her eyes the first time she undressed, Vika sure is not thinking about the cameras now - .... or maybe she is :D
  12. These girls know if they turn to violence they will be out on the street. I would highly doubt that's possible, but verbal abuse can be bad too. If I were the girls, I would just clean up the kitchen and try to stay out of Danaya's way. She had her chance and blew it - best thing to do is just be nice to her for a couple weeks till she leaves.
  13. I think it would be best for Aida and Vika to simply clean up after themselves - even if a few dishes are Danaya's until Danaya leaves. No sense to increase tension - it doesn't matter anymore since Danaya will be gone in a few weeks. Maybe if they treat her with kid gloves, she will come around and try and join in. If I were the girls, that's what I would do anyway.
  14. For all the complaining guys, your missing two young girls enjoying their time together, naked. Too much nitpicking and too little enjoying.
  15. Here's the difference in the way we look at things... I don't think they are "mocking" us. No one promised us sex. There is an expectation of it since the website is called "real life cam", but nowhere does it say you will see sex. Add to that the fact that this is an all girls apartment, and it's very likely you aren't going to see sex unless they are gay OR they are willing to experiment. What that leaves us with is two possibilities; (1) 3 girls in an apartment going about their daily lives and MAYBE bringing a guy home to fuck, or (2) 3 girls trying to gain audience by "playing around" to earn their bonus. It's not "fake" or "mocking" as much as it is walking around naked and touching each other now and then in hopes that will draw more watchers. Danaya was willing. Had there been a girl also willing to try something, I am sure we would have gotten some kind of real sex. But Adele was not. Ever notice how, when Danaya would touch her tits or pussy, Adele would pull away? I don't see that as mocking - I see that as "playing". To get a larger audience? Yes! but faking or mocking? No.
  16. We do have to get over this "fake sex" thing. The girls are playing around, they are not faking sex. They also aren't lesbians, so expecting something to happen is being... well... dumb. We've been over this a million times, these girls may play around (like 13 year olds experiment) but it's highly unlikely they are going to go all the way. Why can't we just enjoy them having a little fun and leave it at that?
  17. Vika has gotten a lot more comfortable with the cameras :) I remember when she took her first shower and kept her back to the cam.
  18. I've mentioned before elsewhere that I never noticed Demid kissing Dasha, and certainly never passionately. He seem to use her to get his rocks off, then pretty much ignores her. Last night I had a good view of her face, and it's hard to believe she was enjoying anything - more like putting up with it. It's a shame, because I think she could be wild in bed if someone gave her a reason to be.
  19. Only thing you can't do is "ONLY" comment in the pictures and video threads. The person posting the media can comment, but if you want to comment as well, you have to do it in the comments thread. It took me a while to figure that out. Kinda weird, but I understand why the moderators did it.
  20. Here is something we agree on. Although I understand the maintenance required when we post a lot on the boards, the chat drags half of the conversation off the board - more or less requiring you to use it to keep up with everything. Add to that the messages disappear faster than lightning if it's busy - and you lose the conversation anyway. I never liked "group chat". It requires a level of time I'm not willing to spend.
  21. Danaya's Room & Adele's Room Adele looks to be leaving today - maybe in the morning. Danaya's room looks like it has been stripped of all her best clothes, but the casual clothes in the closet were put back - thus I think she has a few days yet. I also think Vika will move into Adele's room (if she is staying) and Aida has the seniority to take Danaya's room when she leaves.
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