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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. I really hope Danaya finds a way to be happy. She was the victim in this relationship. I wish her the best. Adele, on the other hand, is an opportunist. She will always get what she wants, and there isn't much that can hurt her. I hope she stays safe, but I'm glad she's going.
  2. What Adele is doing looks like serious packing. Danaya, I think, is getting ready. She's putting a few clothes back in her closet (mostly casual wear). They might not be going together - but close.
  3. I'm guessing Kristy will meet her at the station. It's a shame we won't see the reunion.
  4. Fortunately, my ego can't be hurt by comments posted by people I don't know - for that matter - many people I do know LOL. You didn't strike a nerve, I'm simply the curious type, and I apologize for thinking you paid to view. Whether you wish to believe it or not, your assessment that RLC is simply "BS" still is only an opinion - unless, of course, you can tell me you have a personal connection to the ownership. My outlook on RLC is from a position that believes the RLC business plan would not survive if they had the control you suggest they do. The business would basically be part of the porn industry, with models living in the apartments under the daily watch of a "Director" and "practice runs". You seem to be incapable (or unwilling) of understanding peoples emotions. You mistake them for outside influence. Adele is a bitch because RLC decided she should be. Danaya is a victim because RLC decided she should be. Aida is a 16 year old child because they needed some silliness. Vika is what? ...the housecleaner? I respect your opinion in that you have a right to it, but I see nothing to convince me it is true. If the day comes I change my mind, you will be the first to know - but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  5. I sometimes wonder Harley, why you pay $45 a month to watch these apartments. Your sole purpose in life, it seems, is to insult anyone that disagrees with you, insult the participants in RLC, and basically act as though your the only person here given a God-given capability of seeing the truth in all matters. You "claim" it's only your opinion - but you make sure any detractors understand they are less than you if they disagree. There is a correct way to converse with people of a different opinion. Respect their position but state that you believe otherwise. Insults are not necessary and detracts from your respectability. Yes, you have a right to your opinion, but we also have the right to ignore it.
  6. After watching the marathon between Blue and the TatooMan yesterday, I'm at a bit of a loss to define what I saw LOL. First, let me say if Blue likes this guy, that's great. Everyone deserves to be happy and if this guy does it for her, super. After all - he's the first guy (that I know of) that she had sex with in RLC - so that must mean something. As to the marathon, however, I can't decide if I should give the guy points for going 90 minutes, or if I should take away points for taking so long. Don't get me wrong, a 90 minute sex session CAN be good, but I have the feeling this wasn't 90 minutes because they both were having a great time - but because the cameras bothered him, or he couldn't climax, or that he thought he would record himself in the archives of world history as the longest fuck ever! Ok, kidding aside, I couldn't tell if he actually climaxed until the end or not - and I'm not even sure if he did then? It certainly looked like he kept a hard-on that long. Maybe he was holding out because that's what Blue wanted... But it seemed to me Blue was exhausted. There were a couple times where she had this look on her face like "really?" ...and TatooMan was looking like a Zombie by the end. As I started, I hope Blue had a great time and everything I said above was just a misconception. PS: I really liked the part in Round 2 when it appeared he was fingering her ass under her shorts ;)
  7. Is it really necessary to keep repeating the same thing over and over? We got it - you don't like these two girls. Your beginning to be an issue...
  8. I happened to catch Demid come home early this morning and make love (under the covers again) to Dasha. I did take a video, but not sure why I would post it - Demid is very purposeful in making sure the blanket stays in place. I did notice something however... Has anyone ever seen Demid actually KISS Dasha? During the entire event this morning, not once did he kiss her, much less passionately. When they got up to go to the bathroom, he again whispered something in her ears, as if someone could hear (with no mic in the bathroom) but even then, he did not kiss her. ....a very strange relationship, no? PS: I am awed by the girl, and wouldn't give her much chance to breath if I had the chance LOL
  9. After that last post I made, I sat back and rethought my opinion of Danaya. I think I have said some nice things about her in the past - mostly that she needs to find someone that cares for her - not someone that wants only her body. But I've also said some mean things as a result of assuming a lot of details we hear about the clubbing scene and the fact we don't like Adele very much for manipulating Danaya. Danaya is a sensitive person, and that is good as long as people don't try and take advantage of you. Adele needed someone to go with her to the clubs, so she got Danaya to do that not considering (nor caring) that D is too sensitive to be in an environment like that. So we see Adele as taking advantage of her. We too, share some of this blame. Because we really don't want to see her going to the clubs - we start assuming what she does there. I did that tonight. What's sad is that earlier today, I said it didn't matter what they did at the clubs, it was none of my business - and then I go and make a stupid assumption. I need to take into consideration I am only seeing part of the story. And since I only see part, thoughts I might have about what's happening that I can't prove should not be posted. I guess I'm writing this because I feel bad about tonight's earlier post. It wasn't fair, and it was plain stupid. Danaya needs a fresh start. I also think she should get out of the club scene - or AT LEAST not look for a boyfriend there. Treat it like a business - and when she finds someone elsewhere that likes her for her personality - not her body, then she will be much happier. I really do wish her the best.
  10. OK, I didn't see that, and I jumped to a conclusion - so I take what I said back. It was out of line and I shouldn't have suggested it. I think all this talk about clubbing and her bad luck with guys since Adele started taking her out tends to drive our imaginations into areas we shouldn't be thinking - and that's what i did. I really do feel bad for Danaya, I know she's having a bad time, and I hope she can find her way out of it. I understand from a previous post that she wants to work with Adele and her contacts. Not that it would be a bad idea - it probably pays well, but she has to understand the guys she will meet in that environment aren't who she should be looking for for a relationship. As I said earlier, she needs someone that really cares for her - she deserves that - I just hope she finds it.
  11. I really REALLY hope someone catches the moment Kristy and Kami see each other again :) That would be a picture worth having.
  12. Maybe the best we'll get of the guest if she doesn't take showers...
  13. These two are now moving like Zombies - I think it might be time to call it quits. Blue's last expression was like "really?" PS: She can't be enjoying this any more, can she? 1:32 am (approximately 90 min now...) I swear, this must be the kids first fuck and he doesn't want to stop...
  14. Still going? (shakes head) I'm thinking she reminded him that he was on TV and he's made up his mind to fake an hour of fucking and 4 orgasms LOL
  15. I would agree. Tatoos seem to me to be something one might consider later in life if your going to do it at all. Our mindset at 20 in no way is going to be the same 40 years later - and the only tatoos that I've actually liked are very small ones that are mostly inconspicuous. I dated a girl once with a small rose on her left breast and found it rather.. well, we won't talk about that LOL. But I do think most people that get them will eventually regret they did.
  16. No BURN hflyer, although I will give the guy credit for going to an artist rather than a 2 bit tatoo parlor. Those tatoos are actually very good.
  17. Tell me - how could I not take a picture? LOL [Media Removed]
  18. She sure is. The way the kid started, I thought it was going to be over in 3 minutes - but I have to give him credit - he's going to wear her out :)
  19. We each have a right to our opinion of course, but I just can't buy into the idea these life-stories are so complicated. What we have is a group of young girls, some with experience and some not, that fill out an application for a free apartment with cameras. They likely also get a food allowance, and "maybe" a bonus for high audience numbers. Each girl reacts to this environment in a different way based on their upbringing, their previous experiences, and their morals. Some let go and show us everything, some show us a little, and some show us almost nothing. Some play out scenarios specifically for us, some go about their daily life trying to ignore us. I just can't buy the idea they are "plotting out" every move on a daily basis.
  20. Well, I'll be damned - Blue having real sex in her bed. Who would have thought? I'm going to leave it up to you guys if 2nd photo is what it looks like LOL It's also interesting that this isn't the guy that's been hanging around the apt for the last week - is it? PS: Now if we can just convince her to move the clothes pile.... or convince RLC to add her name to the apartment?
  21. I couldn't agree more Benfold. Right now she needs to have someone get intimate with her not for the orgasm, but for the closeness. She is so depressed right now that all the guys want is an orgasm, and she is craving for some intimate foreplay. I hope she finds it soon before she gives up.
  22. Both girls (Aida and Vika) seemed o enjoy painting each other's bodies tonight. I did notice they both spent a little more time painting each other's nipples - in fact, Aida resorted to finger painting :)
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