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Everything posted by tredm

  1. True...true...by the way, it looked like adele was waiting in her room for aida go to her room and than she pounced back into danaya's room???
  2. If danaya has the hots for aida, i hope she has the courage to act on it 'without' permission from adele!!
  3. I'd love to see danaya get up and go jump in the bath with aida but...would she have to ask adele first?
  4. you had me convinced up until you said it was 'a whole lot better than watching the News'. I'd call it a 'draw' here!
  5. I don't know about Danaya but i'm fairly sure adele is not...What i can't figure out is why danaya wastes her time with adele...she knows adele will always tease and then...shut her down! another dream killed?!! at least we could dream a little....
  6. I don't know about Danaya but i'm fairly sure adele is not...What i can't figure out is why danaya wastes her time with adele...she knows adele will always tease and then...shut her down!
  7. I actually did like her in the beginning..it took a while and a lot of effort on her part to change my mind! ?
  8. Danaya in bed...again..............there is something wrong with this girl! Maybe i've got the RLC strategy wrong but if their purpose is to 'attract' viewers to 'rlc' through use of the 'free' cams...it can't possibly be working here. The girls in this apartment spend very little time in front of the free cams. If it wasn't for this forum, i wouldn't even stop and look at this room because there is rarely anyone to look at. I'm not really that interested in the other rooms so...i'd never be a potential subscriber to rlc.
  9. Adele has turned into Ilona..the person she didn't like. In my opinion, Ilona controlled Danaya and tried to keep her and Adele separate. On more than one occasion Ilona 'inserted' herself between adele and danaya. Now, adele is doing the same thing. This is why the future is so interesting...we don't know what will come next!
  10. It's only 9:00 p.m. there...there's still time for them to go out...than Aida can return. The games people play!!!
  11. I kind of wish is was the other way around considering how they both treat her. They should be ashamed of themselves...
  12. Thanks. I was just really shocked when i came in today and didn't see Adele and, especiallly Danaya, in bed. After all, it's only about 3:00 p.m. their time!
  13. i thought she was 'mature' also but i have a feeling we were both tricked...maybe too jealous to be mature?
  14. Danaya needs to grow up and tell adele to behave unless she wants to lose her friendship. Unfortunately for danaya, in order for her to be a leader, she will have to get permission from adele. You could send her to leadership school but all she would do is follow people around?!?
  15. They sure spend a lot of time in their bedrooms...even eat there? I've got an idea. RLC should make their bedroom thumbs 'free' and 'blur' the living room??
  16. It's so sad that D&A have formed this 'club'...how immature...how evil....If Danaya would just grow up and put a stop to this childish nonsense! I don't expect Adele to...she is much more selfish and controlling. Along time ago, i learned a very important lesson in life, i.e., You get what you give! It will come back to you..
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