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Everything posted by tredm

  1. I know you do euromike...and i used to but....i can't get past how manipulative she is and how easily she seems to control Danaya. Sorry...my problem...not yours! I felt bad for adele when ilona controlled danaya and kept adele 'alone' and now, i feel bad for aida as adele controls danaya and aida sits alone!
  2. Yep...no sitting on the bed but looks like danaya's getting up. must have received daily instruction plans and i'll bet they don't include adia!
  3. Yep...like i just said...seems she does this every day...daily control! Now , she'll get closer and closer to the bed, probably sit down.. ect. She just knows how to push danaya's buttons. Than again, maybe danaya likes it! Oh well...
  4. did anyone notice last night that danaya and adele were not talking. In fact, danaya sat downstairs looking at iphone and adele sat upstairs looking at iphone. Not texting or anything...just awake and looking at phones and yet, no communication? So, my advice to danaya (like she 'needs' that....wish she would...take initiative to talk to Adia, be nice to adele but stop letting her control your life, and enjoy your remaining time at RLC! Ok...i'm done...that's the end of my 'wish list' for the day!
  5. Me too but, 3:30 in the afternoon??? The only time i ever remember being in bed at this time of day was illiness and/or extreme hangover!
  6. LOL. I agree! I might be wrong about this, and i don't mean to imply it's all adele's fault, but if i remember right, she wasn't this way when she first got here...was she???
  7. oh...and Danaya...Get the hell up girl..it's 3:30 in the afternoon??? (Sorry if she's sick or something...i'm just kidding...kindof!)
  8. I agree with your definition of morality and it's necessity in our life. So, if we see one of the tenents Not showing respect to another, our morality should direct us to identify such and call it for what it is. I've never felt comfortable with RLC's role in all of this to be honest. If their role is to open the room, put people in it after an orientation and than, do nothing to interfere, maybe they are doing a good job. But, their 'must' be some controls which we don't fully understand. Anyway, good thread on our role as 'viewers'.
  9. must be the time of day i get here but to me it looks like another 'all dayer' in bed for danaya, aida is up and moving and, adele is gone somewhere. Well, at least danaya is home...
  10. if we wished hard enough for danaya to go wake up aida, would it happen? or...maybe only in our dreams!
  11. agree.... that's why, for me at least, danaya/aida would seem to be more 'real' fun...even if only friends!
  12. Had to go out about an hour ago...Based on the number of comments (1) since my last post over an hour of ago, i'm guessing the evening has been uneventful. Also, based on the chat, i'm gonna guess K&K apartment was quite enjoyable. I'm gonna go for a walk...have a good evening all! Just saw danaya downstairs??? Where's Aida?? would love to see those two hit it off better but, probably a pipe dream. Guess i'll watch for a few minutes before my walk!
  13. interestingly, i originally thought Adele would be the 'answer' to what i saw as 'stagnant' behavior in ilona while danaya tried to get close. It appears what i thought the answer was became the problem! I never thought i'd say this but i'd really like to see ilona on her computer all day again! (just kidding...kind of!)
  14. i kind of agree but don't think it appropriate to curtail opinions. you seem to think that if all comments were positive, that would somehow result in behaviors we would all like to see. I tend to think if they were here more often, were kind to each other and just had fun in the apartment, most comments would be positive. I don't see too many really negative comment about the K&K room because there's not too much to complain about. Just my opinion...
  15. I'm not sure if they read this stuff or not although some on here have said they do. My take on it is that if they did, it hasn't really affected their behaviors, ect. If it did, they wouldn't have been clubbing almost every night for a few weeks a while ago! Just my opinion though!
  16. No...not really...kinda waiting for danaya but now that aida's out, i really don't care. I want to see the interaction between Aida and Danaya now that Adele has had Danaya's ear for quite a few hours. I'm guessing Adele has told Danaya how to act, what to do, etc....well, we'll see.
  17. It's nice to look at this apartment and see people sitting in the living room, walking around, enjoying themselves, etc...opps...sorry...i was looking at Leora and Paul's. My mistake...i take it back! Have a nice day!
  18. Sounds like as soon as Aida got here, Adele got danaya out of the apartment as quickly as she could. I wish Danaya would grow a brain and not listen to Adele. It appears to me that she just wants to control her and drive a wedge between her and Aida. Let's watch and see the increase in time Adele spends in Danaya's room talking and whispering to her!
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