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Posts posted by bubbleobillo

  1. One thing with these girls. No point telling them to 'put a cork in it', when it comes to wine at least.

    No glass half-full or glass half-empty dilemmas with this one. No half measures!

    Clearly when it comes to wine it's quantity not quality! LOL

    Ain't it great when an excess of anything really doesn't matter when youth is on your side!!


    • Upvote 2
  2. 21 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    I don't know if we could see much today. i caught the last few minutes but she was in the chair and side on so it was an awkward position to view. I do not know how she started but I have always wished she would bate in that chair facing the camera and maybe a bit closer :cool: because it as always been at a good angle and the contrast of her skin against the black background would be striking.

    I don't know how it started but she was reading a book before.

    I'm not sure if the book was a factor, this time. I watched the video and after she finished what appeared to be an unsatisfying session in the chair she returned from the bathroom to sit down and read the book once more and it didn't look like it was a book she was reading for stimulation, more for recreation.

    I think the chair was an experiment, providing some variety and a change of ambiance as much as anything. I don't think the chair gave her the room to stretch out properly and it all looked rather unsatisfactory, though a change is always a good as a rest, I suppose. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 13 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

    Solembum you should ignore like I did many months ago. I did not like his attacks on you so I called him a child and then he started on me. He used to like you, then started attacking Paul and then you for being wit Paul. and then finally aspects of your body. I theorised that he must have tried to contact you and you had rejected what he said because I could not think of another reason for his hostility. He even complained about your forehead - that is how big an idiot he is.

    I went back and looked at his posts over the last couple of months and most of them were misanthropic, hardly friendly or appreciative of any of the tenants in any of the apartments, so I agree that he's not worth worrying about. Personality defect, by the look of it. I couldn't find any post about Leora's father, though, so I assume that one was deleted. I agree that I've not read anything from him to suggest he enjoys being a member of this forum.

    • Upvote 4
  4. 2 hours ago, Juli' said:

    and your sarcasm about the mirrors and their presence there to maintain my vanity looks silly.

    Thanks for setting things straight. It wasn't meant to be sarcasm, it was meant to reflect the views of those who have previously posted about mirrors, narcissism and vanity, as much as my own take on things.

    Mirrors, I guess, could be covered over, once dusk descends, as one option in the case of having a fear of mirrors in the dark, but I guess there's too many of them to make that task manageable.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Juli' said:


    Actually I'm just afraid of the dark. Especially lately. As the man jumped off the windows of my house, a bridge, and my windows at night out on the bridge. And I'm terribly afraid of huge mirrors in the bedroom as well. I know it's silly but it is a problem since childhood and I can not do anything with it. Paul I leave one so he could sleep. In the morning I go to the bedroom only with the dawn. And here our relationship? It is foolish to judge about something without knowing. And how much we do or do not have sex that should not worry you. You are viewing the project "real life, not porn" And there will always be those who will watch it. Those who complain that the tenants do nothing .. Lol. You yourself must be very busy people (given that sit on the site 24/7) and no one is forcing you to watch. If you have something does not suit, you can find a porn site and enjoy. Or go to Barcelona. There's a girl for the bonuses will fulfill all your desires.

    This has been offered as an explanation previously, so I'm more than willing to accept that there's some merit in the assertion, especially if this time it's coming directly from the horse's (or filly's in this case) mouth, luscious as we all know it to be.......if the above comments came from the object of our affection, rather than a proxy, I'm certain they have been expressed sincerely and cogently.


    The mirrors, however, remain the only contentious issue. Does narcissism outweigh the fear of them? If not, then getting rid of the mirrors would have solved the fear and I doubt they all needed to be there other than to support vanity and exhibitionism. Perhaps the latter, too, is a stronger factor than fear?....

  6. On ‎2016‎-‎10‎-‎10 at 1:33 AM, joeybaggs said:

    May you have a productive week Exercising your mind, and Love for those Who Bow to you My Goddess!

    (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)

    Seasonal adjustment. The days of sunbathing are over for another year. It's come around all of a sudden, it seems, from this distance!


    We'll slowly watch those tan marks fade into nothingness, once more.

  7. 3 hours ago, canito said:

    this girl must be the dumbest blonde i seen so far cant take ice cubes out of an ice pan and cant even open up a bag sorry for calling her dumb but dame she cant do nothing.

    Technically challenged, perhaps? Some of us find everyday tasks less than intuitive, due to being blessed with different kinds of brains. Her strength may lie in other, as yet unrevealed areas, so don't be too harsh. Some people can put together IKEA furniture easily while others struggle and end up with a part left over when they've finished! Packaging today is very difficult for older people to come to grips with. Young people too, it would seem......also, it has to be said, there are many people who cannot spell the simplest words correctly, even on here.

  8. 16 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    They only appear blank to Non-Premium Members.  A Premium Membership is required to View and Download the Content. 

    That's not usually the case and hasn't prevented me seeing a constant stream of Leora pictures and videos for months. The Barcelona page has gifs by Hope that I can see perfectly well. I wonder why there's been a change without notice. I do find it rather odd.

    Fully entitled to operate this way of course, but not sure why it's suddenly become like this without prior warning to regulars, like me....

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