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Posts posted by bubbleobillo

  1. 1 hour ago, BBsq69 said:

    Much as I hate mention of his habit, I think he must still be at work or maybe gone for drinks afterwards, although I don't think he drinks. Leora's just chilling this evening.

    He's arrived just after 8 and they're sitting down for food. If this follows the last few days Paul will shortly go to bed. Leora may follow at any time but may wait until just before Paul gets up at 6.

    Waiting 'a discreet period of time' before 'joining him' - which says a great deal!

  2. 4 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

    OMFG (Oh My Fucking GODDESS!)

    I did write recently of her bottomless exercises because of a vain hope that young Belle would follow in the footsteps of The Goddess and the mighty Irma and exercise bottomless or naked. Maybe she picked up on it - probably not - but it does seem that quite often she follows requests.

    I feel i must have missed the beginning because she was doing her Harry Worth impression - and if anyone understands that I'll be amazed - in the GR and the hall. The one bit that wasn't perfect was her angle was wrong when she went doggy - this is my favourite position so a little disappointing but then I thought she had forgotten her stretches. Legs wide apart she opened everything between them and quite frankly gave a display in full colour near a camera that those Barcelona girls will never match. I'm sorry but she just ate them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.



    Harry Worth?! Of all the misunderstood British comedians he'd take the cake!

    "Ha ha ha my name is Harry Worth. I don't know why, but there it is!"




    4 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

    OMFG (Oh My Fucking GODDESS!)

    I did write recently of her bottomless exercises because of a vain hope that young Belle would follow in the footsteps of The Goddess and the mighty Irma and exercise bottomless or naked. Maybe she picked up on it - probably not - but it does seem that quite often she follows requests.

    I feel i must have missed the beginning because she was doing her Harry Worth impression - and if anyone understands that I'll be amazed - in the GR and the hall. The one bit that wasn't perfect was her angle was wrong when she went doggy - this is my favourite position so a little disappointing but then I thought she had forgotten her stretches. Legs wide apart she opened everything between them and quite frankly gave a display in full colour near a camera that those Barcelona girls will never match. I'm sorry but she just ate them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.



    • Upvote 1
  3. 2 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

    Of course I'm awake today so no bating nor naked fooling around with the dog. OK I was filming to 5 when my alarm woke me up but then fell asleep until just after 6 (12 a.m. her time) . I doubt if she'll bate again until Paul goes out on his own. It's been especially tricky as just after I put in new eye medicine after which I am supposed to go straight to sleep but then Paul did go out at 6.55 a.m. so I had to wait while she was bottomless on the couch until 8.30 a.m. her time when she finally went to bed shortly after joined by Paul before getting up 3 hours or so later which I think I am correct in saying is the only time she's been in bed in the last 50 hours.

    90 minutes early in the morning is a strange time to go out for especially if you have already stayed up all night. What does he do then that is so important and so clearly lacking any importance of being alert.

    My guess is she will not bate but will hang around bottomless until he wakes up. Then if they follow the pattern this week they'll go out until late and immediately lie on the LR couch or at the computer for the next 10 hours - it is a weird life. 

    Who knows what this unpredictable woman will do next, as the whim takes her? She loves to be an enigma at times, doesn't she?!

    • Upvote 4
  4. 5 hours ago, Benfold said:

    It's because anony.ws is down, therefore any links through that site can't be shared

    Thanks for explaining that Benfold. I thought it was only me who could not see the pics or gifs posted by Hope etc. Does these mean that when this site comes back up they will magically appear or will they need to be reposted by those same people who posted them the first time?...

  5. On ‎2016‎-‎09‎-‎17 at 3:32 PM, Rod001 said:

    Really appreciate you taking the time and going to the trouble of posting these shots. Great thanks.

    Hi bubble it's very cool you appreciate the job but in fact AndyB just send the link and not on the good topic more, this work is mine video and pics

    and for information it's the only video i have finding to this day = short version



    Sure, understood. It gets confusing sometimes, doesn't it!

  6. 2 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    It all depends on how the user uploads the content. If they use the Attachment Feature then what content goes through using that feature is available to Members with a Premium Membership.

    If it was upload through a Third Party Uploading Service then it would be able to seen by all Non-Premium & Premium Members.

    How the User Uploads their Content is solely upon them.

    This has been mentioned before and seems perfectly understandable.

    But what is odd is why a series of photos posted in a sequence at the same time, by the same person, should have some uploaded one way and others uploaded another way.

    It also doesn't explain why some of Hope's gifs are blanks when first appearing and later appear complete.

    I'll be hoping the missing ones do turn up but those that did were excellent as always so I'm most grateful for being able to see those.



    • Upvote 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, reallifecamv said:

    Can't see the pic ...why?

    Unfortunately this happens to me all the time and I can only think that it's a memory issue.

    I can see some of the pics posted by BBsq69 and I can see all of the large headers, but three or four of the pics are just blank spaces with the word 'quote' appearing underneath.


    This happens with gifs posted by Hope as well. I see some, but not others which have been posted in the same, single sequence.


    Then when I revisit sometimes they magically appear. I'm waiting for Dog can look at a queen and Finish on a bend while I've enjoyed the Sticky, Climax and a few others.


    It can't be a paid membership thing as I'd see all or none, not just some of these pics.

    As with Hope's temporarily missing gifs, which do appear sooner or later, I'll just learn to be patient, or reboot the laptop for more memory.

  8. On ‎2016‎-‎08‎-‎09 at 1:00 AM, peking said:

    I luv her lenghtmissing words

    Adriana has such lusciously long legs and must surely be the most natural performer of them all on RLC. No suggestion of playing to the cameras, she just does things in her own way and in her own time and without any hint of inhibition, yet tasteful in everything she does.She may be no beauty but she's beautiful to watch.

    • Upvote 4
  9. I'm curious about something, trivial I know. I can't watch Leora live these days for 'technical reasons' so I've not seen when the GR white carpet disappeared to be replaced by the much larger red one, though I saw its first 'deployment' by the lady of the house.


    Similarly when did the sofa cover, off white, get replaced by the darker one?


    It must have been recently. I wonder if it was becoming too 'stained' by repeated use in much the same way as the rug might have been.

    Given Leora's care for personal hygiene I'm surprised both lasted as long as they did and wondered the decision to replace both came about after a hygiene scare.


    Mind you, with a dog in on the act as well, much of the time, Leora has allowed things to lapse quite often and her partner obviously doesn't share her concerns given his own shocking personal hygiene shortcomings.

    As I said, it was trivial, but I am curious!

  10. 4 hours ago, moos54 said:

    déjà l'année dernière zoya etait rentrée avant lev donc cette année c'est pareil les gens, ça sert à rien de fonder de veines théories, lev va revenir car il a laisser sa console ;-)

    already last year zoya was back before lev so this year it's the same people, it is useless to base theories veins lev will come back because he let his console;-)

    And his hat. Anywhere he leaves his hat is home. Lying on the sofa arm, the hat marks out his territory.

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