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Everything posted by meran

  1. RLC organised the party to get the subscriptions back. After this all will go back to normal ... Enjoy till it last.
  2. Helen was great or no great but left the apartments to work as dancer and stayed in Barcelona so I guess RLC was not paying enough or what ever it was. was not enough for her.
  3. voyeur doesnt work when the people know they are being watched. :) RLC is not voyeur. Real Voyeur will be illegal to show ... they are actors who know they are being watched/
  4. Congrats All. B1 left again and They kept their their record intact. I think these girls need a break from cams and shall stay out as long as they can. Enjoy girls and screw the subscribers. they deserve it ...
  5. Looks like its very relaxing to watch these apartments. Even if you watch or not . doesnt make a difference.
  6. Only girl worth coming back is Irma. Fake or real atleast she kept people entertained. If she was spending a night outside the apartment she was making sure the next day there is some show..
  7. :) hardly 2 pages in 10 hours of CC about these apartments. Its good to catchup in one minute .
  8. Yeah I got carried away and posted something but then removed the post because what these girls are doing outside its their business. why shall we put dirt on them its their choice if we expect saints to be tenants of this kind of website even then there will be complain that everything is hidden. only discuss what is inside if there is nothing inside then we shall not discuss anything . Noldus is there to tell us when the girls go out and get back in and get to bed,
  9. Absolutely correct Unsubscribe if you dont like what you get. Else Enjoy what you get because you asked for it ..
  10. Yes. may be we shall make an RLC complain day or a petition to replace all Barca girls and send it to RLC.
  11. I did long time back but pity that there will still be some supporting this shit
  12. I know what you mean but I want to give her some benefit of the doubt in mind. Lets just hope its not the case and they are just working as waitress. All may not be the same. For sure some are :)
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