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Everything posted by meran

  1. Interesting conversation 23:13 - 23: 16 Renata : I can come at 6 and take my money and then go to shopping Looks like the guy works at bank which is open till 6pm
  2. one girl always end up crying or having something bad and then for next few weeks nothing happens.
  3. What do you expect? which kind of girl will work in this website to be watched naked by wankers :) They are performers and are here to earn money. Atleast they did it on camera instead of going some other place. They did not disappear for the night and gave you a show .
  4. This happens folks when the girls are out. So much for the defenders good that this time its on camera
  5. they went to bathroom for first call and second one was in english and both times Regina or twins were not on phone.
  6. Tonight was duo booking I guess. If they come back in few minutes then just a tease if not till morning this is what it is :)
  7. They do the shows to get the blurry thumbnails for selling RLC premium or a kiss to sell replay. Users will think something has happened and they will keep subscribing . CC forum members should know by now.
  8. 15-16th of September is the anniversary of the great night full of entertainment brought to us by Megan and Rebbaca
  9. Death of Barca apartments. It was good till it lasted or lets say till Irma was there
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