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Everything posted by meran

  1. I have been saying the same all along . :) Now even RLC fake supporters have stopped posting because they dont have any ground to defend these empty apartments
  2. Lol. Dont be so honest dude. Let these guys create artificial environment of enjoyment . They might be getting paid for this.
  3. :) time loop starting again. Girls going out :) This is so funny. Girls on Vacation suites well as a name.
  4. Just checking how some people can go to extent to praise RLC No You are not allowed to say that , You can only Praise the two apartments in this forum now . Some ass lickers will start bashing you if you try to say anything or voice your opinion on RLC or B1 and B2 :)
  5. Time loops starting again if we go by average by between 10-11 PM they shall head out and come back in the morning again. They already got their sleep and there is no reason for them to stay . This is Epic Enjoy the girls on vacation :) :)) keep paying them
  6. Preparation for night out started already :) Time loop starts in an hour or two. Enjoy seeing empty walls for the night
  7. They will leave just before midnight . Dancing will start at around 9 pm and finish at 10 pm. then they will sit on couch or go to balcony to smoke. between 11 and 12 midnight they will leave for club and come back in the morning and spend some time in balcony and then straight to bed until evening next day and then will go out again at night .,
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