I think it might depend on which male company. The guy from last night she works with, some have said, so maybe she did not want to get that personal with him.
Of course they live differently. They are there only a short time.
The issue being discussed was sexual preference. I say it does not matter and others says bisexual only.
Sometimes I wish (I don't want to see) there was a gay house just to piss the people on here off. Maybe a TS and a girl.
ROTFLMAO. I'm sorry, but the people on here are so divided on this.
You meant to say 14 out of 17. KK&H, B1, & B2
What I want is 17 out of 17 apartments. The only difference is girls live here. No one complains about K&K but yet it is an issue in Barcelona.
NO. In real life there are straight, bisexual, or lesbian girls. The only way to have real life is to have no sexual preference.
Naughty is nice, hell naughty is great but give me real life. Social availability is important.
Lima was straight with no boyfriend. She brought home different guys and interacted well with the other girls. This is just one example.
Again, sexual preference has nothing to do with it. Being able to be social inside and outside the house is the key.
I have been with a girl like Michelle before, a total pain in the ass. She has somebody, bf or married it doesn't matter.
You are probably right when it comes to visa issues. The main thing to get out of this is RLC needs to change their hiring or screening process to better suit RLC and its viewers.
Sexual preference should not be an issue as long as they get along with each other.
I believe Michelle is fine in comfort ability. I agree with statement but make it 14 days only. If they can't be relaxed being on cam (Sia, Jasmin of late), move on.
The main requirement I believe that should be in place is single girls. Not married or previous long distance relationships. The girls that arrive unattached thrive but the ones that have boyfriends or husbands (Michelle (I can't understand why)) don't.
Just my observation.
He was at the house New Years Eve.
Arrived at 1429 left 1615.
Arrived at 1632 left 1708 came back with coffee pot.
Arrived at 0047 with 2 friends left 0133 with Jessica & Nicole. Nicole came back to house 8 minutes later with bf.
Arrived at 0450 left 0542.