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  1. Part A is on MyAirBridge and Part B is on Streamable, is that right? Part B isn't working for me. I don't suppose you could put that on MyAirBridge, or Zippyshare, or one of the others?
  2. Well I was going to say, "No need! One of the sites Mark mentioned has it." and then provide a link. But... well, I will respect the wishes of the other people here and not link anything directly. Though I think those fears are heavily overblown. Hope's video is also there, just look for it. And thank you to Mark for the help.
  3. I don't suppose you'd share where else you're going for this? It seems as though I've missed a lot, from both you and Hope, and it would be good to have another source.
  4. Thank you. Linda and Tibor are my favorite couple, it's nice to see more of them.
  5. Ah, hm. I think it's still important, I've been checking back in this thread to see if anyone responded to you. You're not the only one who missed it.
  6. Wow, that is not a flattering camera. She looks quite slender when she's on the edge of the screen, and quite fat when at the center. I realize that they want to cover as much as possible with the camera, but a fish-eye lens was a poor choice.
  7. "deleted from the server due to violation of terms of use" Looks like this method doesn't work anymore. Was good while it lasted, thanks Nath.
  8. I wouldn't trust an AV program to such a degree, they're just not that good. However, self extracting executables can be extracted manually - just open them yourself in a compression program. 7zip is a good open-source choice for this if you're using Windows. Nath's solution does seem to be working... so maybe this is a good option? We'll see how long it lasts.
  9. Yeah, it works. It's a little touchy though - for some reason I couldn't copy the whole line, paste it into the address bar, and then delete the space. Instead, I had to right-click then copy the link, then manually type in "a" "0" "f". It's a self-extracting 7zip file, and while it seems to be safe I wouldn't blame anyone here for not wanting to run a strange executable. So instead you can just extract it yourself if you want - use the 7zip utility if you're in Windows, or the 7z command in Linux (probably same for Mac). Thanks to Nath for the upload.
  10. I love these two. Not only are they really good together on an average day, but occasionally they just up and decide to do some goofy shit that's really fun to watch. For the last little while they've been dressing up in absurdist outfits and taking pictures of one another. Tibor was just wearing some briefs and a fur coat and nothing else except some weird full-body makeup, while carrying a katana and some nunchucks. When he started flipping around the nunchucks and said "Bansai! Sushi!" I laughed and came here hoping that someone was recording this.
  11. It's too bad the follow-up was the one that no one recorded. I much prefer to see the couples together than to see them solo.
  12. I've seen Nelly working on other girls in her apartment a few times now, and it seems more professional than I'd expect if it were just a friendly visit. Is she running a business? It looks like she's mostly doing eyebrows, though I can't really tell.
  13. What... is that? What are they doing? Seriously, I would very much like to know this.
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