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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Ok guys Belle and Rose did not take a shower. So there going to Dj room and take a shower before the show and it said on the ad do not bring bag or nothing like that to the club because there no closet so it look like Belle and rose my be staying after the show ends. Also those VIP seat are 250 Euro each and they done been there 3 time. that a lot of money that the girls don't have
  2. Also if you notice Belle been hanging around the produce. He the guy that can do thing for you and take you places. Also all the photo i seen Rose is not hanging around Belle much.
  3. The club Belle and Rose are going to VIP seats are 250 Euro. The show start at 11:00 PM till 3:00 AM. Dj has his on hotel room right below the club. So let see If Belle and Rose come home by 4:00 AM or they spend some time in there Dj room. Now that we no he has a room this close why come back to the apt and have sex. I bet Belle and Rose has been there already. It a real nice Hotel with indoor pool and a nice lounge
  4. Look like Gina going on a photo shoot and my be the twin. You no when a girls go on a photo shoot they will be leaving soon so Gina my be the next girl to leave then the twin or both
  5. When did Rose get hear. I went to beauties night on April 3 and there no photo of Rose just Belle and Angel
  6. Remember Lola got a call and she said that she needed The Work. Most of the girls are looking for work and if having sex with some of them then they will. Remember Ilona she had sex with a guy because it benefit her business. The guy she had sex with could get girls work doing hosting work in club and modeling work. Money talk with these girls. Also what some of these girls are doing is spending time with a guy Not to have sex but just for there company and they get payed for that. Easy money
  7. Ok the reason Belle not doing nothing in the apt because RLC did not pay Belle what she thought what she should have got the last time she was hear & Belle told Rose that RLC don't pay much for doing any thing in the apt. Belle came back for what she can get from the out side of the apt. Work not sex. Belle could not find work at home & there people like Dj that can get her work in clubs and model work.Angel been around the block and she no how to negotiate contract to make money from RLC
  8. She friend with some one in that apt. I bet it the twins friend. You no ever friend that has come to one of the apt has been BORING. So i would not get my hope up for a improvement
  9. All them hot dog on the table make me think Alex will show up soon with the twin. Remember the last time they made pig in a blanket for Alex
  10. Also rose took off her shorts off to put the dress on. She could have wore them easy under that dress. There was no need to take them off but for one reason
  11. Hear my theory. They are going to the parking garage across the highway from the apt and they are going to take turn in the back seat while the other girls are on the beach. You could see the parking garage from when Michelle was doing her sex cam out on the balcony. Michelle held up her lap top and show us what was in front of the apt
  12. They are drinking and they have two small clear bottle with some thing in them. One is setting on the dinning table. It has a black lid on it. Well it gone now
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