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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Last time Lola and Stella fuck Polya we a dildo now she acting all innocent and nice. Kyle would have done some thing with lola but lola did't stay on Kyle long enough. All this is new to Kyle so she don't no how to respond and you could tell Gina was not into this either.
  2. What ever they done in the bath room did't get much started in the bed room/. Now it 2 more hour of talking unless they have more if they do you can add 4 more hour to the 2
  3. What are you saying.These girls are dumber then a box of rock and it take all of them to do laundry and work the washing machine
  4. With out the magic water the nose candy won't Get theses girls started. All the nose candy does is keep them up and talking/ Nothing else
  5. Ok guys i done the math. Rlc pay for ever thing Plane ticket, visa and groceries. Rlc has spent over $18,000 to bring all this girls in so some thing should be happen soon with all the money RLC has spent. Should i say that we the viewer has spent to have these girls here
  6. See i told you all that they was talk about another girls coming to b2. Now let see if there going to be a b3 apt now
  7. Blue&Bonnie


    Mona is on a heavy duty period so she out for about 5 more days and she left the apt
  8. 2 Month ago it was $30 and the web page is different now.We order it 3 years ago and the money come out automatically so we don't keep up with all this. All the voyeur site we have also come out automatically
  9. Why don't you guys order bandicam. You can record 24 /7 and have them recording for ever in there on file and you can look at them any time. you can record for 10 min at a time for free or you can order and it will record 24 /7 for $30 a month. Just pull up 4 screen at a time then start recording like the 3 bed room and the bath room. it work out good for B&B
  10. For those guy that was up early did you see Polya suitcase.All see is a big hand bag and the other 2 suitcase that are open is Lola
  11. I wake up to this mess.The girls have no privacy. You no polya won't do nothing with all the girls there & you forgot Polay has a BF there so she will spend all her time with him not in the apt & there still talk of another girl coming to b2. Look like the making of B3. remember Lola open B2 & it look like RLC is bringing back the same girl that all most open B2. I don't think that some of the girl could return yet. I don't think nothing will happen like last time with this girls & that shit Rose and jasmia did will not go no where
  12. Blue&Bonnie


    Did not no her by that name
  13. Blue&Bonnie


    She was in the apt before Sonia and Ivo got marry Ivo shoot a video of her bate with his phone and Preter had sex with her to. My not spell her name right
  14. Blue&Bonnie


    Also Natasia and there photo of her nude in the landlord apt. Like i told ever one i don't no how to post but i see if the web site is still out there. my be tomorrow i look it up and if i find it i send you the name of the site
  15. Blue&Bonnie


    B Been with VV since the beginning and some of the girls have done porn and there nude photo of some of the girls in the landlord apt also from translation
  16. Blue&Bonnie


    Mona won't be back till tomorrow. She gone out to take care of her rent.You have seen all these girls leave a night and some of them barely had clothes. I think the owner dipping in the cookie. Remember the old man that came over and Preter would take care of his needs
  17. I am saddling up the horse now and i be on my way. We will do it like in the old day Have a old fashioned shootout for her LOL
  18. @ Amy3 Ok where did you hide Mona. It time to bring her home LOL
  19. If lola going with them she better get started. You no she like Danny with her make up. It take her over a hour to put it on
  20. Have not seen her take a bath or shower since she got there unless she take one real early in the morning. This is Anna i talking about
  21. Well @Amy3 if i new how to post i would send you what you like to see.
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