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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Hello I not sure about now but back when Rita was first staying in the apt with Nora Rita had a car. If you saw all the stuff Rita brought when she move in this time there was a lot of open bag with her clothes ,shoes and carry makeup bags stuff that could not be carry on a plane like that. So when Rita ,Vika and Elisa left the apt the only thing Rita took was her keys and wallet no purse so i think Rita took them some where and drop them off.
  2. shevchenko3434 You can't see the water make. They are permanently in the screen now. They are real fine gray dots some time hard to see but if you keep looking you will see them
  3. What do you think if they just close the all girls apt down for good. It only been here 2 1/2 year and when they started there was nothing ever said about a all girl apt and a lot of people order RLC before that apt ever exist
  4. I just came on because people was saying that some of the girl was showing a lot of nudity and i was just try to let them no the reason behind it and that all the nudity may change when the new owner come in
  5. Here another example. A lot of people like Rita so ever time Rita go in here room she making 6 cent of each viewer that go in here room. Bonuses pay a lot more money but the girl have to do certain thing to get it. The girls are not told what to do it up to them on what they won't to show or do .Also to girls can come and go when they won't. There 27,000 paying viewer so this girls can make $30 a day or more just off of viewer fee. This is only in the all girls apt. Theses girls are not there long so this is why this apt is set up like this
  6. From what i understood bonuses are giving out like Vika done yesterday show her kitty and like masturbation. Bonuses are giving out for certain view
  7. He made it real clear that it not going to be like VV or a cam site. He firmly believe in the saying Real Life and the girls are free to do what they won't and if they won't too do more then they are rewarded. Each girl has had choice on what they won't to do and if they don't won't to do nothing then they don't have to do
  8. Some of the member on here went and read what he said and come back in here comment about it. I think what he going to be doing is if one of the girls give us a view they they make money but if one of the girls don't won't to give us a view then they don't make no money. See the viewer fee allowed girl to make money even if they did't do nothing. Take that away then each will have to work to get pay now. No more freeloading and making money
  9. Ok what you my not no that it take 6 to 7 month to get the license to operate RLC. Also BTR is part owner of camcaps and BTR and his wife( MY BE) the new owner of RLC. He was fixing to buy a web site but thing did not work out like he won;t. Come July you can go on the internet and find all this out who the new owner is. Also you said he was gone for a long time well you heard the saying jailbird. That all i going to say about were he was.
  10. BTR ( Admin ) said that they are taking away the viewer fee. Viewer fee are when you go to one of the girl room and stay 10 seconds they make money if you leave and come back and stay another 10 seconds they make money again. This is the reason for all the nudity and also this is why they stay in there room so much. I not talking bad about Rita so stay cool. Another reason they are taking away the viewer fee is girls like Rita is making just as much money as Vika & Elisa and she not doing nothing to earned her viewer fee but Vika & Elisa is doing ever thing to earned there viewer fee. Also they get a pay check and bonuses for certain view. This all come from BTR (Admin) and you can go to RLCF and log in and go to the Archive and read it your self but you my have to go back 2 to 3 weeks to find it. So what does all this mean well you my get your wish and you my not see much nudity at all. We just have to wait to July the 1st and see what the new format going to be
  11. Like i said this morning. I have two Russian couple that are retired and they move to Fort Lauderdale Florida and they translate thing to me. This was heard over a conversation she was having on the phone and this is what she was doing back home. Also the translate said and he not sure about this but he think she answered a ad to come to the apt. Also my husband got real sick and had to be put in a care center.His brother came down to take care of our home and look after the dogs. He got on RLCF and said a lot of thing that was not right and made me Bonnie look like Fools. We were telling him thing to say on RLCF but he stay stoned most of the time and never was able to repeat what we said right. He would all ways us his own word and made a miss of thing. Now there are people that think we make ever thing up. Our translate tell me stuff and i don't no 100% if it true or if the girls are talking about some thing else and we interpreted wrong. It up to each one of you to decide if you believe the translate. This is a free country but yet people like to bash other people for what reason i don't no. My be it make thim think feel better
  12. You are looking in the wrong place. Go to RLCF and log in . When you log in go to the shout box and look at the top right hand side and you see the word ( Archive ) Hit it and sit the date back to june 1st in the evening. As for Elisa you have to decide if the translators are right or wrong. We all should no that they my not be right all the time or a lot of time the girls are talking out of there ass and you can't believe what they say like Vika told Elisa a new girls was coming and staying in her room with her or she has sex 3 time a day and all that was a lie
  13. Irma I my not got her name spell right. Did nude photoshoot and was in the magazines and she was on RLC. The nude photo shoot was posted all over on her fan page on reallifecamfan and i also have her nude photo shoot on my book bar but i don't no how to post it or send it in a link . RLC is bringing down the web site before the new owner take over so they are putting any one in the all girls apt.
  14. RLCF is not in any way associated with RLC camcaps is the sister station of reallifecamfan.The Archive does work work on reallifecamfan. I just went on there to check and it work. Elisa was taking to some one on the the phone and was saying she won't to stop doing sex cam. That come from our personal translator. If you no ( maxfactor ) he is also i member on here and he was on when BTR (Admin ) was on the chat box talking last night about the changeover
  15. RLCF is a sister station to this site. Both site have the same owner and (Admin) The owner is still running RLC tell june 30th they the new owner will take over. This come from BTR ( Admin ) I quote what he said ( 30th of June changeover date ,out with the old,, in with the new ) This is what he posted
  16. If any one is sign up with RLCF they go back to the Archive from last night and read what BTR ( Admin ) was saying what going to happen July the 1st and then you can come back here and past it along. He said a lot so take your time and read ever thing he said to the time he says BYE
  17. Ok about Elisa. We no two Russian couples that that translate for us and they move from russian to Fort lauderdale Florida. So this came from a conversation say was having with some one on the phone. About the new owner BTR ( Admin ) was on last night and he was telling us The new owner will take over July the 1st and he could be the new owner we not 100% on that but the way he talk it sound like he is and there going to be changes in the format
  18. You guy my not no this but Elisa is a sex cam model and she was put in there to see how many people would sign up to watch her. Also the new owner take over July the 1st and there are going to be changes made in the all girls apt and they don't sound good
  19. Thank you cacjc. i just say what i see and here. We spend more Time in this apt then other people do so we see and hear a lot more then them. and yes Blue does Have a bother name pockchop and he stay stoned on pain pill and pot and he has made Blue & Bonnie Look bad by coming on and say a lot of billshit but now he gone back to South Caroline. He was watching our home and dog. Blue is in a long term care center which some people say that billshit. I not able to be on here all the time Blue insurance would not cover a nurse so i have to stay with him all the time. We live in Tampa Florida. It seem we are not going to be welcome here so i my not be back. Good day to you and thank you for what you said
  20. Some people on here ask about Elisa and Rite so i came on here to let you no what i heard and i get bash by other member on here. All i was doing was answering a question and some people are making a big deal out of it
  21. Your nothing but a loser like Vika BF. I get my information from the same place you do. You don't have no common sense your just stupid. Good to you LOSER
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