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Everything posted by CowArt

  1. I know I'm splitting hairs here, but could you fix the title? Asti should be Asty. And on B4 you use an "&" for girls sharing a room, so B2 should be "Victoria, Neia & Beatrice, Dominica".
  2. Right in time for Neia naked in heels buddy. And I'm sure there's a dildo around there somewhere.
  3. Sofie usually got horny reading a book. Sofie pretty much got horny doing whatever...
  4. Send them this way. My house needs cleaning too. I was planning on doing it myself, but this looks like much more fun.
  5. All naked and all over the place, running from room to room. I can't keep up. Oh, the stress...
  6. For who still has trouble telling the Twins apart: Lia in black, Mia in pink. Give me a shout if they get naked and you get confused again.
  7. The apartment isn't in Moscow, and unless Scotty beamed them there, neither are the girls.
  8. I was on the first half of her first tour yes. She was great with Irma & Ilona. After they were gone, we got intoduced to the Polya we all know too well now... out all the time with zero interest in the project. I'm still confused about why RLC brought her back, and why for five months. Maybe a lack of available girls, but an empty guestroom would have been less annoying than a room that is just used from daft 'o clock until the early evening to sleep and get ready to go out again.
  9. Naked cleaning by Vicky & Renata. Painting in the tub and a thorough scrub in the tub by Neia & Beatrice. Side by side dildo bating by Regina & Sher. Longest continuous bend towards the camera on RLC ever by Neia. Thank you girls of B1 and B2. This was the best day in a very long time.
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