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Everything posted by CowArt

  1. Lovely Lia. You don't move, I don't move, we'll spend the rest of the night like this.
  2. I have no idea how they are called in English, but in The Netherlands power companies, cable companies, gas companies, housing companies, they all have engineers who will also fix your issues on Holidays or at night. You might have to wait a while for them to show up, but they WILL fix your electrical or heating, even at 6AM on New Years day.
  3. The year is still young, I'm bound to make a very stupid post sooner or later.
  4. That must be why RLC has grown from 13 to 22 apartments in the two years that I have been a subscriber... Peanut will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he means we can't express our opinions. RLC does something with some of the criticism, and nothing with some of the criticism. If you have something that really bugs you, and nothing is done about it, it's perhaps better to cancel your subscription, instead of what we have seen with several posters here, keep complaining for it for months or over a year, while still paying for something you apparently don't enjoy. That is just plain... well... not smart.
  5. No, it's nice and warm in here. On a more serious note... No, I have no lagging or freezing on RLC at the moment.
  6. Enjoy your well deserved retirement. Your time stamps were always very helpful, especially to find stuff on replay, but I can only imagine how much time you spent on posting them in various threads instead of enjoying the girls. Thank you.
  7. A Happy New Year to all of you guys and gals out here. And I wish a very Happy and Steamy New Year to all our Lovely Ladies in Barcelona: Neia, Nicole, Gina, Lia (), Mia (), Karol, Leia, Beatrice, Avi and Belle.
  8. 17:47 - Neia and Beatrice left. They realized they were short one girl and went back to find her?
  9. Last night, Lia spent most of the evening downstairs with the others. Tonight before the cams went down they had been on the sofa for at least an hour and a half (pretty much the whole time since they got back) and talked with Diane for a while. When the cams went down, Karol and Leia were in the LR with them.
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