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Everything posted by odpegleg

  1. Girls are putting their trash on the front porch. They want to have more critters
  2. It is nice to see that Mila does like BEEF!! She is one of only girls I seen eat red meat.
  3. I like Miro She and will look good together doing a 69😹 Thanks for the brain fart. Megan and rebecca
  4. Good afternoon, morning to the world. Just got home from another interview and Aria open shaving after her open bate last night. The girl is coming around but killed the party of Alexa and Mila.
  5. Wish they just stay at home and get naked!! Wish Aria stayed at the BF house.
  6. Did ksusha leave?? I went to take a cold shower!!😁😁😁
  7. I have Where they go??? to the roof?? Maybe to get a bottle of vodka since they are from the Russia
  8. sorry doing real life things. It looks like Alexa went and refill her glass.
  9. Mila is going to show them how to make money. The more RLC makes the more the girls make.
  10. one thing about it, Alexa does like her wine. She gets friendly after a few glasses. Mila dont need wine to be friendly
  11. ksusha looks like a 18yo fresh out from mommy and daddy if he is still there.
  12. She just throws her arm or leg over to be caress but she dont like to return the favor.
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