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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. 19:05 Kristy left. Ridgerunner, why the hell do you write that Kami is back with Dima, even with an interrogation mark ?
  2. Kami ready to leave and to spend the next night somewhere else. She packed everything she needs : a change of clothes, toilet things, smartphone charger.. Is she going to Yegor , as she is wearing thiis little girl like pink and blue sweatshirt he affectionates ? I don't know. Now she is doing all her private phone talks in the restroom, used as a phone booth. And Kristy is away too since yesterday, probably at her parent's place with the dog...
  3. Kami finally cleared the mess in the living room and in her bedroom. They seem to prepare the place for a party tonight. Hope so, at least.
  4. I fully agree. They are real and, more than that, interesting. However, love is not the right world, its more respect and admiration that I feel for them. We met them in B1 last year (Kami came twice, I think, and the 2nd time she met Kristy and she was one of the rare girl friendly with Nora), they were a huge success, so RLC gave them this apartment in Moscow where Kami started seriously her work as a model, mostly underwear - she has the perfect body for that - while Kristy is doing every show in Moscow where young girls are needed to be seen, just seen. Kristy and Kami are very different girls, certainly from different backgrounds. Kristy has to struggle more to get where she wants to be, she has more energy, more will, while Kami lets more things happened to her. She is more sentimental too, falling in love with everybody, but modest and humble in many ways even when she plays the princess. We see them changing, evolving, getting more confident. Yes it is a joy to watch them, and their tenderness moment are tremendously kind. I forgot the sexual side of them, of course it exists, but it's more a part of their 'no secret' life which make us feel nearer them.
  5. K&K are back from shopping, and the best friends of the world. The moody Kami put today the eraser on her bad mood. She bought real food and take some medicine (vitamins ?)
  6. And loosing her balance while standing and smelling her right foot... I said that before (and even got insulted), Kristy is tremendous but she can't dance.... Both girls are in the kitchen.
  7. I (we) love you both K&K. The more I watch you and look at your social medias, I get your tenderness and your strength, your struggle to be able to be what you are really : two young russian girls leaving an european dream of independant and working women inside modernity in a country torn between tradition and modernity, unable to give a total freedom to the people because afraid of loosing its own identidy. But don't be afraid, Kamila and Kristy, you have a very strong identity. Apart from being beautifuf girls, you are amazingly warm and human and no one can destroy that. Read again you classics, from Gogol to Dostoïevsky,you will understand where you are coming from and going to.... I can try to put that in russian through translation : Я (мы) любим вас обоих K & K. Чем больше я смотрю вы и смотрите на свой социальных медиа, я получаю вашу нежность и свои силы, ваша борьба, чтобы быть надежным, чтобы быть тем, что вы на самом деле: две молодые русские девушки оставляя европейская мечта независимых и работающих женщин внутри современности в стране порвана Entre традиции и современность, не в силах дать полную свободу людей, потому что боится потерять ICTS собственную identidy. Цель не бойтесь, и Камила Kristy, вы-очень сильная личность. Помимо того, что beautifuf девочек, вы удивительно теплый и человек, и никто не может уничтожить это. Читайте классику вы опять же, от Гоголя до Достоевского, вы поймете, куда вы приходите от и собирается ....
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