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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. Yes I think so too, that's why before leaving Kami asked Kristy to clean the mess she has put on the chair in the hall - all her coats...
  2. 19:34 Kristy left, red leather dress, black leather jacket, black pantyhoose, white sleeveless shirt, jewelry, boots with strong high heels, she went to seduce, get seduced or more... - Hep taxi, I want to burn Moscow tonight ! - Da, da, da....
  3. Kristy is back, Kamila cleaned herself with some cotton and lotion, that was fast. Both are talking and eating in the kitchen.
  4. Kami already back with a new and bigger suitcase, grey this time, and still empty. It could mean that she is soon leaving for somewhere with a need of a lot of clothes - like to go skying...
  5. Kami left with her suitcase, empty, and didn't say goodbye to Kristy, so I think she took the suitcase to bring more clothes from somewhere, or to fix it, or to sell it or to paint in a new color or to throw it down the stairs... Whatever
  6. It just looks like a guest room, they needed the wardrobe to put all the mess they had on the small bed. Kami and the GF are on the sofa, playing with their phones. Kristy just came back. On her social, Kami wrote proudly that she can sleep again even if she can't wake at 8-9 without an alarm clock. What I saw is that she sleeps much better, yes, but has till a lot of problems to go to bed early (For a long time I didn't use to go to bed early, would she say imitating Proust...)
  7. Yes. The guy was more interested by Candy. He said he was from Napoli and added later in italian that he wanted to fuck, ie Candy. The teasing Michelle jumped on this guy to protect Candy, my guess. Then, around 4 AM Candy and Michelle went to sleep in the same bed and nothing happened. The funny thing is that they gave to the boys their RLC names...
  8. You have not seen her embarrassing herself this morning in front of kami when she failed twice to make a simple backward roll... Otherwise I agree, she has a nice body, and I prefer her to a bony female dancer.
  9. Kami had a great time and she is telling Kristy. It seems she went to some casting. You seem here enthusiastic about Kristy's dancing... I am not. She is often falling, has too big ass and thighs she can't really move well. As long as she stays down on the floor she can make it, but once up it doesn't work at all, even as a gogo dancer. Won't make a dime in Vegas ! But I like her very much, anyway, and she should stick to movies.... And Kami is a better dancer too. This girl has everything...
  10. Oh, you could put the long dress on Melissa, the challenge would be the same, no change ! Kamila is doing a lot of bikinis shootings, that the proof she doesn't need to wear a lot...
  11. Kami's GF of the other day (the birthday party) just came in and both seemingly ready to leave for a smart diner or party. Kami in long black dress, the GF the same in a shorter version. No point of arguing who is the most beautiful...
  12. Ah, cuddling is on mode ON between K&K on the living room's sofa. The light version of it for the moment. Let's go girl, it's sunday !
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