So the question I have for RLC is why the severe reaction of banning their supporters for sharing pics and vids?
I can understand the objection if disparaging remarks are made, or the pics / vids are used in a degrading fashion.
I can also understand if there is lost business as a result of this sharing, but I believe the result is actually the opposite.
Pics and vids of beautiful women nude or masturbating are plentiful and readily available; what makes RLC special is that you feel connected to the people you are watching. It is far more interesting to see them "live" and in action than to watch a video or pic at a later time, but sharing these vids and pics with the people that missed them serves to stoke and renew their interest in RLC. After all, we can't be watching every minute of the day!
This kind of sharing among the people that appreciate your product promotes RLC, plain and simple.
They could review the pics I have posted and evaluate for themselves, but I am confident of this assessment.