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Everything posted by RAGNAR

  1. Very true.... Sadly,,, the Clangers lives changed dramatically after cats were brought to the moon..
  2. Gina could always have a baby Chris Farley..I wish them the best and i'm SURE curly boy will be a great dad and great role model.
  3. This is not historically accurate,,they fail to mention that Ragnar Lothbrok kicked Leif Ericksons ass in school and took his lunch money,,i did some book learning.😉
  4. Very true,but the bigger question is,, how can something be discovered that was already discovered???
  5. Ohh,i forgot about him,thanks... It's very good to see we have some intelligent historians on this forum who do their homework.😉
  6. America,the oldest and greatest country in the world. Our first and greatest president ever invented electricity (ben franklin) and two of our presidents even built the best cars (abe lincoln,,gerald ford). 😉
  7. His lucky day... That's the second finger he has received today,1 from me,and 1 from you,,and the day is still young,,lol.
  8. I wish this foreign language was in english at least so i didn't have to keep translating this.😉
  9. Check my history,i never ask what's going on,and as far as ''best sources'' ,,you will never find any on this forum,that's for sure.
  10. I honestly do not wish that on anyone,that they go up in smoke,not me,no way.. not up in smoke anyways. Oh,Up In Smoke,,good movie reference
  11. I have no problem,i just sit back and laugh,but my question is,,why do people who pay,keep paying?
  12. Right.The chances that's all ddhm has to say about ANYTHING..
  13. So RLC is UM,hmmm,i'm sure if you survived the great toilet paper shortage of 2020,,you can survive this this great devastation. For those who still enjoy paying for RLC and their bullshit,,i have some swampland that is buildable in florida for sale,some sandbags needed. But seriously people,,maybe RLC will reimburse you for all the downtime that RLC has accrued over the ages. 😈
  14. You must be wrong with your speculation,if what you say is true,then by the thumbnails i see,who are the people in stella's room?
  15. Yes,true. I think with all the ''gun fights'' everyone has had in these forums,''them'' over ''there'' have pillow fights.🤣
  16. It's really no use @ddhm,they are like mindless zombies (cultists) here, just following the leaders who are leading them towards a cliff. If they were told to drink from a dog dish on hands & knees,,,,i'm sure they would.
  17. Then i don't know why you said, ''I just feel sorry for Bodgan.'' There really is no reason at all to feel sorry for the cuckolded dumb ass.
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