Leora deserves the attention she needs. It is simple not hard just give and take a two way street. She is always doing for him they seem happy at times and at other times I scratch my head in wonder. She is a very beautiful woman with needs and wants.
she would have to have a baseball bat to beat me off her. She would be wearing layers and layers of clothes so as to give herself a rest from me. My real heart and soul wishes she is very happy. The other part of me says over my knee you need a spanking for being a tease. she is saying who me a tease I am just really horny.
wow i can't believe that little four legged animal is really sleeping. That one has so much energy it is not even funny always on guard to protect Leora. Especially at times when we don;t want it.
She is sitting on the couch with it open at the bottom legs crossed as to say come and get me. Paul is on the computer at the desk with not sure why he ignores her at these times. She is sending a signal and he ignores it very odd. Any man in his right mind would be between those legs working his magic to make her scream with joy.