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Everything posted by Suckfootsoles

  1. Taya, hope your guests hope stay a long time. Both love sex, the girl has real nice meaty pussy lips and the guy a large cock for fucking, what entertainment. Your guest GF looks like a nerd developer which is a complement, a kind a girl living next door that is so sexy, but does not have to dress with expensive clothes. She is not high maintenance and loves the sex. Her body speaks for itself, ears nicely shaped. In the summer, go out wear short shorts, braless, and flipflops. Have a good sexual day, these two may also get their own apt? Never know. Fixed spelling errors, god to many.
  2. Zoya, where is your other theater (not theatre) friend that used to visit for a couple of weeks at a time and sleep on the couch? She is gorgeous, though hide and not take a shower with the cams. I miss her she was always part of the RLC gang, very pretty even wearing her yellow little sleepwear with great legs, hips, lips and big bust line that we can only vision in our mind. When she visits, its great seeing you Zoya and her together. Invite her back for the fans.
  3. Welcome Alberto and Martina. Man what a difference, the apartment does not have all the les couple cluter around especially the cardboard notes in Spanish circling the bed i could not understand. have a good time.
  4. Wow what a large party Taya is putting on going to the next morning. I see a blonde asian chick, looks great and there is a black guy, which is great. This compared to the the first night at B2 Belle brought those two chumps back, one that identified himself as a bitch and the other co-hort guy had holes in his socks for the world to to see; to me losers. The girls if you are going to being guys back, make sure they are well dressed and intelligent like that guy Bitch guy lay there on the couch as if he owned the place, that is a dickhead. It took his sidekick socks with holes to push him out my god.
  5. After looking at Leora for 3 years, I notice a change not wanting to fuck, slowing down, her face is aging. Initial discovery at the one apt. before the dog and before this apt., Leora was fucking the nose picker several times a week in the dark. Leora was a hose monster and now just wants to retire to that cam 8 crafts room and give some rubbing here and there. Is there a chick Viagra?
  6. We combining B1 and B2 together, god these forums are splitting, combining, splitting again, god leave as is so I can find shit, everything id scrambled. Now for for B1 Gina has lost enough weight looking good wit fantastic jugs and exposing those meaty pussy lips. Gotta let Gina and Kyle suck each other up, do not have to go far, 6 ft. down the hall to pleasure dome.
  7. Putin is a Saran gas supporter, he loves Assad, he probably planted the subway bombing in Moscow. Russia working with Assad helped load the planes for the drop, Russia is killing people in Ukraine, why did we warn the Russians we were launching Tomahawks, when they are just as guilty. They are not in Syria to kill ISIS, its to kiss Assad's ass. Assad likes seeing Putin with his shirt off, and is a big pussy. Putin is a pinhead caught with his hands dirt of Saran gas the dumbass, just as crazy as kim il fatso and Iran dickheads.
  8. From Belle's last trip, she was going to marry a car salesman, did that happen? Belle was so worried about where the next form of paycheck was coming from. Stella was fucked hard from one of cocaine bro's, wonder if they are together?
  9. Belle and Rose need not wear those gold color leggings and undies, they need to show naked legs and feet when going out and short skirts wit no undies as dancers did when MTV started dance show in '81, studs will be attracted not pull up high shorts. B2 has all girls have great feet, B1 different story. The shorts pulled up on both girls seeing come into front doorway, shows the the stomach too much. A low riding no undie skirt for Belle and Rose would be primo. Guys like if I can remember BF to Taya, stopped by the second Beardo party who kinda kept distance from Beardo in kitchen at B2 looked like a cool guy, the type Belle should bring home have a good night with; and Rose too all the better.
  10. Belle is getting chunky, when wearing that white outfit pulled up her butt and belly bulge, same with Rose, time for a diet girls.
  11. Belle out threesome with the disco dicks where one wears socks with holes where the other guy can fuck those sock holes, how exciting.
  12. Belle out threesome with the disco dicks where one wears socks with holes where the other guy can fuck those sock holes, how exciting.
  13. wow welcome big boob kylie, does she sleep with stella, mmmm yes. now I can watch B1 again becuase those chick magnet dickheads are not at B2, dang it. Looks like since Irma left, B1 ratings downhill, RLC brings in someone new.
  14. In the morning, B2 brings home 2 moron iodiots one wearing a t-shirt shirt "bitches love me" such a dickhead, these guys are too old now to get young really good looking women (say late 30's, one guy shaving sideburns to hide greyness). They are just as bad as bad as Beardo, of course Lola would let these handsome gentlemen in the door, her taste in Beardo, provides a good record, gross.
  15. No Gina has a little more weight to loose, she was chunky coming in. There is a hot body behind those beautiful tits, keep it up Gina you are almost there with that golden blonde hair. Twins, you can can have two ding dongs and a twinkie. Give Angie 10 dindg dons and 10 twinkies.
  16. Can you explain "emotion blocker for scientific observation", IT is still 'ol IT, bits, bytes, files, databases,what programs are developed is what you put into to hide sub-code, covering tracks regardless what lanquge is is used, SQL, JAVASCRIPT. Parts missing is security is overlooked, second nature, never enough. Even the cloud is a spread across servers in datacenter farms andnot just a single datacenter anymore and as data moves more and more across the internet, there is more suspectibilty to hacking and stolen data, emial acounts (I myself with fuckin Yahoo) and I would never do my taxes online stored at the tax sofware data's firm access by their develpers to people to perform analytics to the highest bidders, scary times. But humans thrmsleves controlled by the circuit, I got lost in the analysis. Things are only pure robotic now.
  17. Welcome back Taya, I saw your name something about it looked familiar. That was rough when you were attacked staying at Nelly's old apt., you look good now. I like your current apartment how it shows a camera that looks out at what the neighborhood looks like, that is cool. Unlike other couples apartments Leora, Maya and Zoya you feel like you in a cave all the time. Being able to look out of the window is part of fun to see where you live and what its like. Glad to have you back. I like your guests and their constant actions. Your new new partner and your guests guy sure look a lot better and classy than what dead fish of guys that B2 in Barc has brought in. I do not what club lets them dudes in the way they dress (socks with holes), if the club lets them in must really be hurting for business, Ugh. But welcome back.
  18. The guy that identified himself as a bitch, his co-Hort is not wearing holy socks which the the whole world saw the first morning, why are they back? they keep striking out on poo-tang, if Belle had nothing to do with this why is she wearing "fuck-me clothes" in front of these dildos.
  19. Man those two at B2 get the best chump duo award;, Beardo has the single one. The balding "bitches love me" if he wore that here would get his ass kicked. The 80's have called and want their studded jacket back, these guys must be in their late 30's for this clowning around. Overconfident morons that can't dance worth shit, why is Belle falling for these guys? Unbelievable.
  20. Where are the Marx brothers? I thought I'd see idiot and dumb ass pound Rose and Belle right now, did everybody run out of steam they are so young especially the bozo dudes, god.
  21. What a great retrospect of the two clowns I first saw at B2 at 9:30 am after watching Irma (my favorite fine others may no agree that is freedom of speech), how did you know that one of these guys was a popular DJ? Doesn't it seems weird that Rose or Belle could just walk up and say we like you come over to our place when you are donw unless sex happened right away somewhere in Barc? Do you live near Barc or seen these guys before? It just seems things have happened so fast that Rose had to have to kind of connections and that Belle all this has been quiet and couls not pick up one of these on her own; Rose shows up and 2 guys are in B2 that has silent for months of activity. Even before Angie went with the gang out at 10am yesterday, the bed cam seems to have picked up a "blah" facial expression on her face not too excited about going out with everybody just doing for the benefit of the doubt. I have to look at the Replay for that face moment if shown. Thanks.
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