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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. Becca is a non issue and has already pretty much proven any hope of a repeat from last visit has been sadly misplaced
  2. Jasmine is not even offering to help in kitchen , if she hopes to move in over here she is certainly doing nothing to endear herself to the b-2 girls , I see a short timer in the making, and may well soon have nowhere to go to when people get naked
  3. if body language is any indicator jasmine always sits curled up in ball , like she is completely closed off
  4. jasmine has a big issue with girls running around naked (shades of the ghost of nora) , she has done this since her arrival , I hope I'm right and someone puts her in her place (lola maybe)
  5. Next you are going to tell me it was the one armed man who did it, there were men on the grassy knoll, and there are aliens at area 51.......lol
  6. the only value of the other apartments to me is the consistent fuck shows and bate sessions they provide, I dont follow them like i do barca, the entertainment for me here is the drama and the unexpected nature of what happens. When thing do happen it feels like you are watching something you may never see again and often that is the case lol
  7. holy shit rebecca is clinging to lola soo bad that if lola were to stop suddenly rebeccas head would go halfway up lolas ass
  8. Does anyone know if Lola will be replaced on the 18th or if they will stick with the remaining three in b-2
  9. that could be true, she is also seems to be like me she is a night owl that seems to like falling asleep watching tv
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