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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. im thinking anna megan and danaya.......i think there is a lot more to danaya than what we saw......and with megan and anna both encouraging her who knows
  2. ok foamy this ones for you........if belle took her overnight bag with her then i think she lined up another place somewhere (hotel maybe) and thats where they are going to spend the night.....did anyone else take overnight supplies???
  3. every one is getting dressed i better go grab some smokes while i have the chance ........ just in case lol
  4. RLC has had to have received a shit load of nasty email in the past week or so they had to have noticed it
  5. ok here once again b-2 has the opportunity to tell belle to do the right thing and go home and squash this shit, but wont do it
  6. hopefully we can get a translation of the conversation and find out whats happened in the last six hours
  7. the longer this drags out the it makes me wonder especially now that belle has gone mia from b-1
  8. i think that tea lima keeps drinking is giving her the shits, plus she is eating lots of fiber, she must be dieting and doing a cleanse of some kind, she measures her waist and hips every morning
  9. i first thought caroline was puking as well (kind of wonder if she might have a binge and purge issue) but the change in behavior was huge, and given their recent history any off cam activity will be viewed as suspect
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