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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. lol i saw that too, basically stella is pacing like a caged animal looking worried, you are right every one else is in a good mood
  2. stella is still acting like she is worried about something, everyone else getting ready except her
  3. has anyone given any indication as to what happened yesterday and last night regarding UM and whatever was on that phone
  4. no nothing sexual just the 8 hour UM and then whatever they saw on the phone that freaked out stella and killed what little mood they had going, whatever they saw on the phone brought everything to a screeching halt
  5. i agree i spent last night reading the translations, and lola has more issues than i thought lol, i'm just hopingto find out what happened at b-2 yesterday and last night it was kinda weird
  6. This chick at zoya and lev's is hot i think i have heard called tabu ........ but she never shows anything
  7. is it just me or did caroline just come out and get pissy with belle and lola ???? sure sounded like it
  8. stella is the only one butt hurt at the moment, just goes to show lola and caroline will even dismiss one of their own
  9. i dont think so could be but i think the other two would be more upset.....maybe they told stella belle is movingto b-2 and she has to move back to b-1 lol
  10. me too and me thinks stella got most of the blame for something she seems to be the most upset
  11. damn i wonder what that was all about they serious all of a sudden after huddling around the phone
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