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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. if i am following this correctly did the girls go at it again tonight at the other barca apt??? if so i missed it
  2. IF any one has video of Megan Lola and Belle using dildo or any of the fingering footage please pm those to me. Thank you
  3. if you have the big finish to the party could you pm those to me please
  4. if someone has these please include me on the list pm me these please
  5. It's funny that you bring up leaving the apartment, although I did not mention it before, I have watched numerous girls leave the Barcelona apartments for hours sometimes for days on end. So my feeling is that whether or not they leave has more to do with their financial ability to do so rather than some alleged rule by RLC. What I am very much unclear about is whether or not RLC actually pays them or if they are just given free rent for a given amount of time.
  6. As for the on going debate regarding the ladies in the apartment, and what they should or should not do and their alleged reasons for being discreet or outright shy, I shall add my two cents. It is my understanding that RLC is more or less based on a Big Brother type of concept. We get to watch the unscripted day to day goings on of these people whatever that may entail. It is also my impression that the Barcelona apartments are viewed by the ladies more as an opportunity for a somewhat free vacation in Barcelona, while the other apartments are permanent residences. I don't understand why people place such heavy expectations on these two apartments more so than any of the other apartments. As for me I enjoy the thrill of the chase and the possibility that I might be seeing something not readily available to most, plus what straight red blooded man doesn't enjoy watching a woman pleasure herself. Just my opinion (my opinion and 5 dollars will get you a cup of coffee at starbucks) lol
  7. alas i am currently only a free member, so i am unable to view this apartment and i am forced to rely on the kindness of others to see what happens here
  8. Well it seems I have missed "the event" completely. In fact I have yet to see Lola bate at all. If someone could post or email the highlights I would like to see it. I rather enjoyed watching Danaya bate, but I must admit one had to be diligent to catch a session of hers as she was quite skilled at being discreet when she did it.
  9. and all this time i thought black russian was just the name of a drink....but so far me likes her a lot.....yum yum
  10. what's a little dry hump between friends??? an friggin great time if its these two!!!
  11. looks like she is getting ready for the EDC or maybe the Burning Man festival
  12. holy crap... i had my head phones on ....and that first explosion i almost shit myself .....lol
  13. I think it's rather funny how strong some of the responses are on here, especially those that come with personal attacks. Why? We all have our favorite girl or girls on RLC I get that, but say anything even remotely negative and a salvo of attacks are sure to come your way. The level of emotional attachment displayed by some on here is rather scary sometimes. Personally I enjoy the show, they are all definitely pleasing to the eye and if one is diligent one might even get the hot show they have been waiting for. But they are eye candy only, they have no investment in us (they most likely don't know who we are) nor should we in them. Enjoy the show speculate on what is going on between the people on cam and except it for what it is "a show".
  14. does anyone have Irma's bate session this morning??? I missed it and the mab.to links never work
  15. I just witnessed just how low and childish Vika really is......I'm not even sure if anyone else is in the appt. but Vika felt the need to close the door to the kitchen and hide while she prepared herself some food. I guess the kitchen is off limits to everyone else while she is in there. As if that wasnt enough she took the coffee pot back up to her room when she was done......this heffer needs to be kicked the hell out of there.......she has no redeeming qualities she looks like (in my best shrek voice) "donkey!"
  16. am i the only one who noticed that she never uses the tub??? she carries a bucket of water into where the toilet is to wash
  17. just wondering what her relation is to the others, she flirts a lot with lev but he's clueless, and she doesnt seem to have much to do with zoya
  18. who is the brunette that sleeps over all the time but never does anything??? shes hot as hell but boring
  19. I have been away for a bit, was glad to see Irma has returned. Would have been nice if Elise had stayed and Vika was the one to go but oh well it is what it is. Seems pretty tense in app. I notice rita and vika are all buddy buddy now. I also noticed they both cooked dinner for themselves only as well. I hope every one is correct and these two leave soon this appt has not been the same since they showed up........shucks Ilona was better than these two.
  20. i thought i saw kamila and kristy on the couch i may be wrong im not a premium member anymore so all i can see is a blury time delayed pic sorry if i steered you wrong
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