Here is a message I sent tonight.
Voyeur_Villa is a great concept that seems to have lost its momentum and I'm afraid is in danger of failing.
There is no activity in any of the three Moscow apartments
- Tver is a disaster with one couple there that appears to be going through the motions, totally scripted and without any passion or emotion. They are busier videotaping their sex acts than having a real life. the second couple has been gone for a couple of weeks and there haven't been any guests even much less any potential new participants. 25% of the project useless.
-Tula is nearly as bad even though there have been some guests if not potential participants. Petra has the couple doing staged sexual acts and spends her time video camming. Jacquie has been moping since her return from Sophia and has contributed nothing to the project in over a month. She would obviously like to return to Sophia, but if that is not possible, we shouldn't be contributing to her free room. Alex and Anna have been stuck on a couch for a month while there is an empty bedroom in Tver. They also seem to have lost their enthusiasm for the project. 25% of the project mostly useless.
- Voro has two young couples that while exhibiting relationship difficulties common to every young couple at least interact and participate as real people, not programmed actors as in the other two apartments. This apartment however has not seen a guest other than residents of other Voyeur_Villa apartments in two months since the last couple moved in. Correction, Endy spent one night there. 25% of the project that while not perfect is working.
Sophia apartment was pitiful for the first month, no guests and basically two people never moving out of the apartment. Once the original couple left, there were some parties, some guests and some interest generated. Once the Russian vacationers left, it has been a failure in recruiting new participants even with the new location. The one girl that has been there for a month is wonderful and deserves some companions. However, you may be in danger of losing her since she seems to have found a love interest outside of the project. The new girl looks promising but has only been there a couple of days so it is too early to tell. 25% of the project that shows promise but hasn't developed yet.
So what does the project need? Bodies, new bodies. This is not the situation for all people, but in order for the project to continue to succeed, new bodies have to be brought in to maintain the interest of your subscribers. The last new participants in the Moscow apartments arrived on August 20, nearly two months ago. There has not been a single male participant in the Sophia apartment that has survived for more than a couple of days. While I realize recruitment may be difficult, other similar sites find new bodies either as participants or as guests of participants.
The cameras aren't the best quality, but that is not as great of a concern as having something happening in front of the cameras.
Thanks for letting me rant and i hope there are changes in the near future.