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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Hey Beav -- thas a thought lol. She seemed proud tho lol. Maybe the banana season is over there. Never know lol.
  2. Hey Beav -- thas a thought lol. She seemed proud tho lol. Maybe the banana season is over there. Never know lol.
  3. She eats the bananas now instead lol. She's a "trip" withoout ever leaving the farm as they say. I jus love the little, skinny hottie!!!!
  4. It was a sex toy(dildo) in a case. Rita jus laughed. Wasnt small by the size it looked. She didnt take it out but a minute at the most lol.
  5. Seems like slim people can handle more alcohol for some reason. Rita has had a few today, and some days she has none -- most days really.
  6. I drink almost everyday, but not the amount my girl does, and i only drink beer. -- Ive never drank liquor of any kind. I have 2-3 a day.
  7. Elisa baby plz slow down on the alcohol for the day at least. I worry bout you. She jus took big swig of something.
  8. I just hope Elisa gets her extension on her visa, and then her, Rita and a new girl, would be a good combination. I know im dreaming.
  9. Might not hurt if these girls had an omibod to help charge them up sometimes. Thought that was funny since i see that device alot lol.
  10. I can see how people get attached to these girls ... i really do. Elisa is very easy to get attached to. Ive not heard one person who didnt like her alot.
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