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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. No doubt they read the stuff we type.... they are getting a good laugh out of it now haha. The banana is the proof.
  2. It just sucks for me, because there's no way i can help these girls. Im happy that they hopefully have a long life ahead of them doing whatever they choose. I love Elisa because she in some ways is so childish, innocent, but at the same time she's a hot young girl that can easily be taken advantage of. I hope will she try and use her senses to make right decisions. Scares me bad how much she drinks guys. I love to drink, but i control it. Hopefully she can find people to help her also. I hope whatever guy is her boyfriend -- i hope he treats her like a queen she really is. She's not bad, she's not a whore, she's jus a young confused, but happy hotttt girl. Hope she and the other girls have a great life too. Sorry for your mothers illness -- i really am.
  3. Im disabled and i know full-well what you mean. I agree and part of getting along is telling what's a fact -- not a rumor.... right Bonnie? I like you -- i think we at times misunderstand each other. I cant walk, i have a disease like ALS and my days are numbered. -- I want to spend them with friends being happy, having fun -- not arguing.
  4. But things without 110% truth should never be put on forum . What if somehow it got back to them, their families, people they care about?? WE all need to be sure what we say is totally true or we ashouldnt post it. Again ive admitted i ve done it myself, but it can be hurtful to these girls. They are just regular girls. Again im not perfect, without fault -- i just want to be sure what i say or we say is correct.
  5. I use to hear it constantly about Adele and Danyana, it pissed me off. Maybe it was so but people dont need to say that on this forum or period except in a private message. These girls are human jus like us -- they have feelings, and id bet my last dime they read alot of what is said. I, and we all need to be careful to not hurt these girls feelings and at the same time ruin their reputations. They are jus young and trying to live a life thats not always too sweet. # Ive been guilty in the past so im not putting myself on a pedistal. Im getting better day by day.
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