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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. At times i look at Irma sleeping so peaceful -- and i think id like to be cuddling with her --- then my other head starts to take over telling me id have a hard time jus cuddling lol. Irma has that kinda baby-face look to her.
  2. Ilona knows when things are going too far. -- She wont let things get out of hand. She values her friendship with Irma more than sex i think. Even tho we might like to see it hehe.
  3. I just hope Polya is really careful about who she is with -- or meets. Dont want anything to happen bad to her.
  4. Ilona and Irma are like 2 kids jus having so much fun.-- I love them both. Two sexy little kids tho hehe.
  5. Yea Polya is a sweet girl and has a body to go with it. --- It may take awhile for her to be like Irma or Ilona -- but if she doesnt -- it's jusPolya. -- She will be herself i think. She seems like a real sweetheart.
  6. Irma spends minutes, as much as an hour giving massages knowing that probably she will get nothing in return -- but Irma keeps trying to please her friends because she loves them so much.
  7. Exactly Canito. Irma is just like that. She loves everyone especially Ilona -- like she is her sister or something. This is a great combination these 3 girls i think.
  8. They are all very close -- and i think Irma feels like she has to make sure everyone else is ok -- even before herself.
  9. I think Irma may have been waiting on Polya to come home. --- Irma loves everyone so she has that attitude to worry about others.
  10. Someone said she hasnt gone topless -- but yes she has after her shower -- jus takes some girls time to get a accustomed to the whole thing. -- She will get there in time i think.
  11. In time i think Polya may feel comfortable enuf to run around naked like Ilona and Irma but she's so new she has to get to that point.--- So far i have no complaints about her. She loves music, dancing , she's super friendly , everything we want and have needed.
  12. I really like Polya and whatever she is doesnt matter -- whatever her religion -- she seems very nice
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