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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Hate to hear that about Polya. -- Doesnt appear to be much physical injuries but the emotiona trauma must be great.
  2. Nighty -- night Irma - sleep well. -- We all love ya. -- Was so fun seeing you have fun with the girls today.
  3. Like i said id say Irma doesnt really need it alot. She can get it (real thing) anytime she wants. Im sure all the guys in Barce drool over her.
  4. Yea she jus wants it ready when she needs it.--- She hasnt seemed too horny today. -- I doubt she needs the toy much lol.
  5. Goodnight Irma get a good nights sleep -- you need it after a fun day with the girls today. -- Great to see you laugh and smile so much.
  6. Irma sits on her bed doing crafts now as we speak. -- I love seeing things like that. -- shows she's not got a one track mind like some people in this sad world we live in. ---One of the reasons i love the girl.
  7. Ok thanks --- i jus dont know as much as some of you all about sites. -- the only things i really know are what i personally know. --Things for telling me what VK is.
  8. Im jus being me Thes like Mikey is or others. --- Ok i will jus sit back and watch others make fools of themselves. -- No problem. I wont ever post again i promise!!!!!! --- Jus hope my profile pic now is ok ---- whewwwww!!!!
  9. I agree Thes totally. I agree Thes. The pic i posted was a pic available to anyone. What is VK by the way?? The pic i posted wasnt a professional pic. -- I took it down so people would quit whining about it. --- People whined about it Thes ONLY because they hadnt seen it before. Its down so they need to STFU. --- Such a beautiful evening!!
  10. Bottom-line did admin. think he was wrong?? Yes -- and the matter was solved.--- Yes the girls do have self-respect -- most anyway. RLC isnt their main source of income lol.
  11. Budro i will defend any girl who is personally attacked with words or pics --IF i know they are wrong. ---- I will notify mods in a heartbeat if something inappropiate is said or posted about them.
  12. Lots of people use pics that dont come from RLC for their profile pic. --- My pic was fine for a profile pic. ---- What SOMHO posted the other days was wrong and he was told it was wrong. -- My profile pic wasnt wrong. Someone uses Irmas pic for their profile -- so what was wrong with what i used dude???
  13. Believe me i didnt take it down for you-- or because it was wrong. I didnt so some people wont whine about it. I didnt do it bcause of you lol. # Uh uh SOMHO took it down so must have been wrong??? I didnt make the decision for SOMHO to take it down -- but someone SURE did lol. # I notified the mods about SOMHO and they took care of it.
  14. Ive NEVER used a pic that i shouldnt use -- final talk on this sissue. --- Tell me why i shouldnt use this pic???? Nothing she wouldnt want anyone to see, use, or have.
  15. Ok yea he shouldnt have posted that -- i do remember now. ---- He was told by others he shouldnt do it -- and was told to take it down -- he did too!!!!!
  16. Only issue ive ever had with anyone is : when someone says something about one of them that i know for a FACT isnt true!!!! ----- I will always defend them when i hear them refered to in bad ways that i know for a fact isnt so. I never post pics on this site -- i never have done it. --- I just used a public pic of the girl i think is the most beautiful girl in the world.
  17. I never had an issue with anyone over anything of Irma's life. --You got me confused with someone else.
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