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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. I also have never seen Rebecca. Ive missed so much. Id have loved to see her diving into those two sweet pussies. Both are soooo damn hott to me -- jus my opinion. I hope to see some more of that sooner than later.
  2. Lol damn -- i have missed too damn much haven't i lol?? Are there any videos of it all?? Id love to see that for sure.Sounds like his descendants were from the jungle lol. Hopefully more of that stuff to happen more.
  3. Yea im glad im back. Doctors thot my cancer had come back, but it wasn't. Ive lost one kidney already, so dont need to lose another -- that would be BAD to say the least.Im slowly getting better too. Yea Little Belle is a sexy little doll. Im excited by Carolina in the other apartment too. Several new ones since i left. Ive only been back on here since last night, but i'll enjoy catching up im sure. Belle is jus a bouncy, sexy lil thing.
  4. Im not sure who ape-man is. Must have been before my time joining. Wasn't Anna the girl that Irma gave the hot sexy massage to?? I think i saw a video of that but not sure if she was the one or not.
  5. Maybe a repeat tonight or soon hmm? Im impressed with the new girls ive had a chance to see in the few hours ive been back. So far Carolina looks unreal sexy!!! Belle and Anna also. Ive always heard good things about Anna from the past when she was there. Glad im back.
  6. Dang a revolving door it looks like . Carolina is a very hot girl --wowwww, but so are the other new ones too. Glad to finally see Anna too. Gonna miss Irma tho.Her and Elisa are still my favorites since ive been on RLC.
  7. Glad to be back Noldus,thx man. Yea some new girls and very sexy ones too buddy. Have Irma and Ilona been gone long?
  8. Thx Oldstalker. About an hour ago she went to couch. Im doing alot better now. Quite a few new girls ive never seen. Gonna be fun catching up on things lol.
  9. Yea i been gone for 2 months. --Glad to be back too. It ought to be fun catching up it looks like lol. Some new hott lookin girls i see.
  10. I had kidney cancer and they removed my right kidney. -- It came back in my other kidney at Stage 4, but believe it or not -- they think i'll make it, and survive it all. They say im a miracle. I just wish i could join back at RLC, because it really relaxed me, and helped me get rid of alot of tension that has built up. -- I have the money to cover it in the bank -- it's jus some kind of tech problem, but it's taken over 4 days so far, and no results. Im feeling alot better with chemo and i will be damn if it's gonna beat me guys. --- Sorry if im being a little dramatic but it's been a tough time since i got back from Greece. --- If anyone knows a way that can help me id appreciate it. --- We all have our differences, but i really love yall people, and i mean that.
  11. Do you know of any other way to join Beaver. It's not accepting my card even tho i have plenty of money to cover it. -- I jus had a few bad weeks but now im ok. My cancer came back, but they think they have it under control. I miss yall guys alot.
  12. Been sick and in hospital for a few days. I cancelled my RLC subscription, and missed it, but due to finance problems couldnt join back. --- Now ive tried to join back, but SegPay wont let me for some problem. Is there any other way to join??
  13. Hey guys lol -- been awhile since i been on here ... damn. --Hate to burst anyones bubble but--- Irma and Ilona still have NEVER really kissed. -- My computer zooms to bed level and their lips BARELY touched .... no TONGUES at all. Irma's mouth barely touched Ilona's tits lol. ---- Just another bit of fake sex guys. --- If they wanted to convince us there was sex they would have left lights on. --- This shit is part of why i get pissed off at RLC. They are so good at faking things it's unreal. --- just another pretty damn good script. --- It was sexy tho -- gotta give em credit for that tho. --- I loved it. --- Thanks to my computer i can know the truth. --- I hope no one believed what they saw or are seeing. Two very good girls who are good at what they do lol. --- Gotta get back to work now. --- Wish i had been on more tho lately.
  14. Typical really. --- Nothing really happened that you could SEE. - Uneventfulful night really lol. --- Jus alot of hands busy doing nothing.
  15. Right now i got to get to bed or im gonna get my butt kicked by my girlfriend lol. --- We gotta get back to normal lol -- or at least for her. --- She's a doll for putting up with an asshole like me hahaha.
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