Just being inquisitive, are the thumbnails randomly changed or do they load by number of viewers? First thumbnail has 1,000 viewers, second has 750 viewers? Just random numbers I used to get my point across. Sometimes I think too much and think there is a system to everything, being analytical sucks sometimes.
Never mind. I need to re-order these posts, I just looked back from this post and saw that she was on Cam4. Can I search Bonnie and find her next time she is on?
When Blue was playing on cam, I was told she was on Cam4 but I could not find her. I looked page after page for blue haired gals but to no avail. Could it have been Chaturbate or another one?
Paul IS a looser I am now of the opinion. He woke up in bed and sat there, he knew what she was doing. He literally waited till he though she was about done, then went in to jump in knowing full well she was done or about done. Me personally, would have at least just gone in to watch, at the least. Seems that he has no sexual appetite at all, only feigns it. I don't get it :idk:
The look on his face is almost like a teenager. 'OMG I'm in bed with naked woman and she is giving me oral!" She got off and that is what is important to us anyway.