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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That's exactly how I feel about the articles you post on here from your left wing propaganda blogs.
  2. You are more insane than Golfer and O_U812. I didn't think that was possible.
  3. Everything. But you are so dumb that you could never understand.
  4. Who cares about the response of an ignorant fool like you anyway. You post things from left wing blogs because you have no ideas of your own. You are the hater. It drips out of every word you express on here. I am thankful to Joe Biden and the fools around him who do his thinking for him. Now the American people are able to clearly see who the Democrats REALLY are. The Democrats will never ever again be able to con the American voters into believing that they are moderates. That game is over.
  5. Who cares about the response of an ignorant fool like you anyway. You post things from left wing blogs because you have no ideas of your own. You are the hater. It drips out of every word you express on here. I am thankful to Joe Biden and the fools around him who do his thinking for him. Now the American people are able to clearly see who the Democrats REALLY are. The Democrats will never ever again be able to con the American voters into believing that they are moderates. That game is over.
  6. But the Democratic Party is made up of liberals, progressives, socialists and Marxists. And the Democratic Party most definitely is "a thing". A terrible thing for the American people.
  7. North Korea's Kim is firing off rockets again. I guess he figures "Sleepy Joe" will send him a bunch of money to stop.
  8. Before Biden went to the Capitol Building today to negotiate for his two spending bills he should have read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal".
  9. They also develop vaccines to stop a pandemic. You are fucking indoctrinated simple minded Marxist fool. Your statement could have come straight out of the mouth of Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin.
  10. Again, government spends and wastes money it does not invest money.
  11. Not my fear you smell, that's Nancy Pelosi's asshole you're smelling, butt kissing snowflake.
  12. Read the book "American Marxism" by Mark Levin for the explanation.
  13. You didn't say "could" happen you boasted that it "would" happen.
  14. No master strategist, just a knee capping dictator Do it her way or she will make your life miserable if you are a Democrat in the House of Representatives.
  15. So why don't you move there and get away from all those terrible MAGA Trump supporters where you live?
  16. And most of those people have no idea what is in the bills and probably don't even know the name of their representative in Congress. The Democrats are just good at misrepresenting legislation by putting misleading catchy sounding names on bills. And how can those people be for a bill which you said has yet to be written?
  17. Wonder what the poll results would have been if they knew the proposals were actually Bernie Sanders and AOCs' proposals?😉
  18. Yeah Democrats, cram all this socialist spending through Congress and then come to American voters in the 2022 election campaign and try to convince them that you are moderate members of Congress..
  19. France tried the soak the rich strategy to pay for all their socialist programs. And guess what happened? The rich took their money and left France, so now France gets zero in taxes from them.😉
  20. What did you expect from a guy who has been a Washington, D.C. politician for 50 years? The words politician and liar are synonymous.
  21. I still think you should move to downtown Detroit so that you can be with all your Democrat comrades and escape living with all the Trump supporters in your area. But if you decide to move to Detroit be sure to have both your auto and life insurance paid up.
  22. How is it that we have 11 million job openings in the U.S. and the national unemployment rate is going up? Only a Democrat run government could accomplish that. lol
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