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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Like I said, you have no thoughts of your own so you post other people's thoughts. How boring and simple your mind is.
  2. But nothing original from your brain. Just the thoughts of other propagandists, comrade Golfer. You are nothing more then a well trained parrot for the far left.
  3. You are boring and mentally limited. Time for you to post from your propaganda blogs and obsess about shit and asses again.😏
  4. That's a ridiculous comparison. Trump was president for four years and Biden has been president for just over eight months.
  5. But I won't follow them into restrooms nor march in front of their homes.
  6. I guess that's what we need to do to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden then.
  7. Did anyone follow Kinzinger into a restroom with a camera phone? Did anyone protest in front of his home?
  8. But all appropriation legislation originates in the House of Representatives and Democrats controlled the House for the last two years of the Trump Administration.
  9. And if they try that I will oppose them just as much as I oppose the present authoritarianism of the Democrats.
  10. Now the Bolshevik kiddie corps are harassing Sen.Manchin and Sen.Sinema because they actually have the audacity to think for themselves and not blindly follow the party line.
  11. That's what they get for voting for Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom.
  12. How am I fighting against our republic when I'm trying to keep the Marxists in the Democratic Party from taking control of the country?
  13. Hopefully, one these days you'll grow up and learn how stupid you've been. But I doubt it.
  14. Calling Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema names is negotiating? And they are not working for the people they are working to make the Democratic Party more powerful and more in control of Americans' lives.
  15. You "fighting for our republic"? That's one of the funniest jokes I've heard on this thread.
  16. Can't believe it! There are more stories on MSN about Democrats fighting over the two spending bills than there are stories about President Trump.
  17. When Joe Biden was a senator one of his close buds was Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd who was a member of the KKK. lol
  18. Anyone who takes advice from the government bureaucrat Fauci can't be too intelligent.
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