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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Such a simple mind. You are just one big left wing walking talking totally indoctrinated propagandist. Businesses create wealth. Government creates nothing. How many products do Americans have in their homes that were created by government compared to those that were created by private businesses?
  2. So they're voting to pass a bill in the House that doesn't yet exist? How is that possible?
  3. Government does not invest money. Government spends money. You also left out that the spending will result in higher prices and fewer private sector jobs for everyone.
  4. So Republicans are suppose to help pass a $3.5 trillion spending bill that will be written by Democrats after the bill is passed? That sounds like Washington D.C. Nancy Pelosi type logic. It's like making out and signing a $3.5 trillion dollar check and then allowing the Democrats to write in who the check will be paid too. Why would the Republicans oppose that,right? LMAO
  5. And if they do pass the $3.5 trillion bill in the House the so called moderate Democrats in the House are toast in the 2022 election. Which means the Democrats are guaranteed to lose the House to the Republicans in 2022. Plus,the $3.5 trillion bill is DOA upon arrival in the Senate.
  6. Sorry, I'm not your gofer. If you are too dumb to use Google that's your problem not mine.
  7. Wait until someone explains what is actually in those bills and how much it will cost them personally to pay for them and then see how much support they have. Also, I don't trust anything broadcast on MSNBC nor do I trust the poll results of the far left group that did this poll. The name of the group that conducted the poll was "End Citizens United/Global Strategy Group/ALG Research". That sounds like some far left organization that George Soros would fund.
  8. If she is safely vaccinated why should she be concerned that an anti-vaxer died from covid. It doesn't affect her life.
  9. And what about the Marxist anti-capitalism ideology behind the Democratic Party?
  10. But did he say how many of the millions of votes that Trump lost by were legal votes? That's the real question.
  11. Every dollar that government takes from corporations in the form of taxes is one less dollar they have to pay into stockholders pension funds, to build new factories, to hire new employees, or giver pay raises to current employees.
  12. And how much larger were the government's bills last year than they were in the 1950s? The problem is that government has grown too big and too expensive. Corporations have done more to improve Americans' standard of living than members of government could ever dream of.
  13. Yes, you did. You said because of Abbott's handling of Covid and their new abortion bill that Texas would turn blue.
  14. NewsWeek headline posted on MSN today: "Democrats Set to Lose Control of the Senate in 2022, Polling Suggests".
  15. You are nothing more than a DNC talking points parrot. So boring and unoriginal. There is a big backlash coming in the 2022 elections by American voters against people like you and the liberal progressive socialist Marxist Democratic Party.
  16. Jen, how long do you think businesses can lose money without going bankrupt? Wonder what Ivy League school she went too?
  17. Why should Republicans vote for a $3.5 trillion spending bill which was written by Democrats with absolutely no Republican input allowed in the bill? The $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill passed the Senate with the support of 19 Republicans, but it is progressive socialist Marxist Democrats who are now holding up passage of that bill in the Hose of Representatives.
  18. In a Sunday interview the head of the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security said of the 15,000 Haitians who were congregated at Del Rio, TX 10,000+ had been admitted into the U.S. Apparently that news made it's way south of the border really fast since a government official in Panama has said that a caravan of 60,000 Haitians is on its way to the U.S.-Mexico border.
  19. And you are upset with Republicans because they don't want to add another $5 trillion to that figure?
  20. Thank God they are against anything Biden does, since anything he does is not good for our country. And you still have Trudeau. You voted for a conservative in the Canadian election and then sound like a progressive liberal when talking about U.S. politics.
  21. Not unless Democrats agree to greatly reduce the proposed $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill. The threat of debt default is the only leverage that Republicans have to bring that about.
  22. Democrats are only $2 trillion apart in agreement on their budget reconciliation spending bill.
  23. CNN headline on MSN today: "Durham issues fresh round of subpoenas in his continuing probe of FBI investigation into Trump, Russia".
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