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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. New York City teachers are required to show proof of vaccination before being allowed to teach, but students are not required to show proof of literacy in order graduate.
  2. Red wave coming in 2022 unless Democrats can pass legislation to rig the election process.
  3. Panama Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes revealed in an interview with Axios this week that 60,000 more Haitian immigrants are heading for the U.S.-Mexico border.
  4. What's wrong, Nancy? Can't get all your Democrat puppets to pass your money wasting bills?
  5. And the Democrat Congressional Inquisition continues with Adam Schiff as the Chief Inquisitor. Now Marjorie Taylor Greene will have an opportunity to tell Adam Schiff to go to hell on national tv.
  6. Latest Quinnipiac University poll of Joe Biden's approval rating among registered voters in Texas shows the following results: Approve of the job he is doing= 32%, Disapprove of the job he is doing= 61%. A net 24 point decline in his approval rating from their last poll. And O_U812 said Texas is going Blue.
  7. Today Sec.of Defense Austin, Gen. McKenzie, and Gen. Milley tossed Joe Biden under the bus and ran over him numerous times with their testimony in the U.S. Senate about Afghanistan.
  8. But are the numbers truthful? If you continue to include illegal votes in the recounts you will get the same numbers that you got in the original count, but does mean the election was honest?
  9. Rubin likes swamp dwelling Washington, D.C. establishment Republicans. She doesn't care much for Republicans who actually want to represent the interests of working class Americans.
  10. Democrats' idea of "Immigration reform" means amnesty and citizenship for all undocumented immigrants who are presently in the U.S. and who will enter the U.S. in the future.
  11. Democrats' message for Middle Class America, ' Obey, send your money to Washington, D.C., and STFU.'
  12. Immigrants from all over the world are trying to come to America in order to improve the standard of living for themselves and their families while at the same time Democrats are working to lower the standard of living for American citizens in order to get Americans' standard of living more in line with the rest of the world.
  13. That's your opinion of his opinion. And your opinion 99% of the time is wrong.😉
  14. The country was in financial crisis when Bush left office because of the collapse of the subprime real estate market which was caused by the Affordable Housing Act pushed through Congress by Democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. The act forced banks to give mortgages to people who had no ability to make mortgage payments. That policy resulted in a real estate boom and then a financial crisis for lending institutions when so many those mortgages became delinquent.
  15. Democrats idea of bi-partisanship and negotiating is that Democrats get everything they want or there is no deal.
  16. Everyone in this country that buys goods and services from corporations will pay the increased corporate income taxes in the form of higher prices for those goods and services. The carbon tax will be passed on for almost everything you buy in the form of higher wholesale and retail prices.
  17. The writings of one liberal columnist at a newspaper do not represent the views of everyone who reads the newspaper.
  18. Very simple solution. The Democrats need to scale back their $5 trillion spending plans and allow Republicans to make changes to the bills in order to gain the support of Republicans in raising the debt ceiling.
  19. No, I watch real news programming and read articles from real news sources on the internet, but WWE is probably a more legitimate source for news than are the left wing propaganda blogs that you post stories from.
  20. But $5 trillion of government spending doesn't cost me tax dollars? One thing I know for certain is that I paid less income tax when Trump was president than I did when Obama was president.
  21. Not only are you guilty of projection, but you also steal other people's thoughts from this thread and present them as your own.
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