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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I see your Trump derangement syndrome is still going strong. Too bad that's all you have to hold on to in your life.
  2. There are no gates to open at Del Rio, Texas. Haitian immigrants are simply walking across the Rio Grande River into the United States.
  3. So these people risked their lives walking all the way from Central America to the U.S. just so that they could spend a few days on the border?
  4. So the 12,000 Haitian immigrants who are presently in a camp on the U.S. side of the border in Texas are just a mirage? LMAO I WILL stop buying the bullshit. The bullshit you and the rest of the Democrats are peddling.
  5. The business owned by the designer of AOC's "Tax the Rich" dress, Aurora James, has $103,220 in tax liens filed against it by the IRS for unpaid employee payroll taxes.
  6. That's because you were using a Russian made calculator, comrade Golfer.
  7. Can't find any real voter suppression in the laws so you resort to ridiculous accusations. Typical Democrat.
  8. You didn't say you hope they will, you said they will. And obstructing Democrat legislation that would destroy this country is good policy.
  9. Anyone that believes BLM and ANTIFA want equal rights for everyone probably also believes that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are real. LMAO
  10. If Gonzalez is so tired of the lying and bullshit he can take a big step to end it by shutting up, since bullshitting and lying is exactly what he is doing.
  11. So why do you, the Democrats, and the news media keep using those tactics?
  12. So why do you and Democrats spend so much time obsessing over Trump if he is no longer a political threat?
  13. No, you said that immigrants who are entering the country illegally will vote for Democrats when they become citizens, and I said that your comment reveals why Democrats want to make it easy for illegal immigrants to enter the U.S.
  14. Because Trump was negatively hammered in the news media from the time he announced his candidacy for president to the present. Joe Biden was praised and protected by the news media from the day he won the Democrat nomination for president to the present.
  15. Yeah, if all the Democrat legislation were enacted "Congress wouldn't need to argue about everything" because we would have permanent one party rule by Democrats just like the one party rule in China, North Korea and the former Soviet Union.
  16. That's just the phony excuse that Gonzalez is using to avoid a humiliating electoral defeat in the Republican primary.
  17. What is truly pretty simple is your mind. And reality is that Democrats need to keep Jan. 6 alive as a political issue since their economic, social and political policies are so unpopular with the American people.
  18. Not true. Trump had to clean up the messes left by Barrack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.
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