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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I think Joe Biden should help the Taliban to keep the airport in Kabul open so that the new peaceful more moderate Taliban can export terrorists to the rest of the world.
  2. So how do you have a real debate if only one side is allowed to speak? Oh, I forgot. That's how debates are conducted in Putin's Russia. I guess that's the type debate you're accustomed to, comrade Golfer.
  3. On Sept.1 General Milley described the errant drone attack on 10 innocent Afghans as a "righteous" endeavor that definitely killed at least one ISIS terrorist. Now we know that the attack killed NO terrorist. This man is at the top of the Pentagon leadership? God help us!
  4. Del Rio, Texas is being overwhelmed by thousands of illegal immigrants. The beauty of that though is that Del Rio is a Democrat run city. I guess you get what you vote for. Karma is wonderful. 😏
  5. The real threats to American democracy are residing in the White House and Congress right now! Hopefully, we will have fair elections in 2022 and 2024 so that the American people can remove those threats from office.
  6. The 80,000 new IRS auditors that the Biden Admin wants to hire will be used to harass and silence political opponents of the Democrats just like the IRS was used by Obama to harass and silence members of the Tea Party.
  7. Don't have a landlord. I own my own home which I guess a Russian citizen like you wouldn't understand. How much rent do you pay each month for the little closet that you call an apartment, comrade Golfer?
  8. You forgot about all the illegal mail in ballots that were tallied for Joe Biden.
  9. Sorry, but I lived through the Reagan years, so I know from personal experience what happened. I couldn't care less about a rewrite of history by a left wing propagandist who is trying to convince me not to believe what I know from my own personal experience.
  10. But no one will miss you, comrade Golfer. And (whatsisname) Larry Elder's pocket change is probably more than you earn in a year.
  11. So 10 innocent Afghans were killed by a drone strike and we're just suppose to apologize and move on with no investigation and no one held accountable for the mistake?
  12. I'm more concerned about the day 13 wonderful young U.S. soldiers who were unnecessarily killed in Afghanistan because of the incompetence of Joe Biden and Gen. Mark Milley.
  13. Fuck you, you authoritarian bastard. You can't handle me confronting your lies and propaganda so you want a Mod to shut me up? What a coward you are, little Russian agent.
  14. Every member of Congress who was in the Capitol Building on Jan.6, 20221 is a potential witness.
  15. Because the real truth is that the stuff in the Woodwatd and Costa book is just as phony as the stuff you were posting. Just lies, lies and more lies. Their book is just an attempt to make money off Trump's name. In two months the book and all the lies contained in it will be totally forgotten.
  16. So why didn't she recuse herself from selecting people for the committee? She should be a witness testifying as to why she refused to supply the additional security for the Capitol Building that was requested by the Capitol Police several days before the riot. Appears to me she has a conflict of interest that should have disqualified her from selecting people for the committee.
  17. I'm sorry that your mind is too simple to comprehend, but that's not my problem, slick.
  18. Yes they did, along with the Hillary Clinton campaign. Indictment #1 just issued against a Clinton campaign lawyer by the Special Prosecutor John Durham. More indictments to follow.
  19. You have nothing worthwhile to teach to anyone, comrade Golfer. The blogs you post are left wing propaganda, not real news.
  20. So why doesn't Justice Clarence Thomas have the same right at Ginsberg, hypocrite?
  21. That's total bullshit. You distribute medical supplies to where the immediate need is while at the same time replenishing supplies for future needs. The Biden Administration is just using Covid patients as pawns in a political power play to force Republican governors to comply with his Covid mandates. That strategy is evil and sick. Just like they droned an innocent Afghan family of ten including 7 children and then claimed they were ISIS terrorists just to distract from the fact that Biden's incompetence got 13 members of the U.S. military killed. People in the Biden Administration are just plain evil.
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