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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The Democratic Party is made up of liberals, progressives, socialists and Marxists.
  2. Check the YouGov poll, fuckhead. Then maybe you'll find the 39%. That's if you know how to read.
  3. The handful of people on social media who use a multitude of phony accounts to conduct a smear campaign against anyone that does not share their political ideology are the true fascists. They can not tolerate the expression of ideas that they do not agree with. Why are people on the left so intolerant of free speech?
  4. And all you Europeans wanted Joe Biden in place of Donald Trump. How is that working out for you? Did you like the splendid job Biden did in withdrawing from Afghanistan? Or what about the gas line deal between Russia and Germany that Biden gave approval to?
  5. Since Democrats out number Republicans in California 2 to 1 why is the governor's recall election even close? Appears even many Democrats don't like the job Newsom is doing.
  6. That must mean the psycho path is for liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats.
  7. I don't live in Michigan so the game was of no interest to me. You should ask O_U812 since that's where he lives. If he went to the game he probably wore three masks.
  8. 39% might be Biden's highest approval rating for the rest of his presidency. Wonder what the lowest rating will be?😉
  9. Oooooops! A poll released today by the liberal polling organization YouGov shows Biden with a 39% approval and 49% disapproval rating.
  10. It appears the college students of Michigan are not paying much attention to the state's dictator governor. Over 109,000 football fans attended the Michigan vs Western Michigan football game last Saturday.
  11. Three years from now the Biden Administration will still be claiming that the higher retail prices are just temporary.😉
  12. Kamala Harris is campaigning for Gavin Newsom in California today. That'll probably cost Gavin 10 more points in the polls.
  13. Maybe that's why the Biden Administration is doing nothing to ease the computer chip shortage being experienced by American automakers. Auto dealers in my area have hardly any new vehicles on their lots.
  14. And the Biden State Dept. tried to take credit for the evacuations.
  15. And you are an elitist prick who goes to a bartender by the name of Alexandria Ocasio-Cotrez for your information. No wonder you are so dumb.
  16. Hunter keeps resupplying him from all his illegal overseas business deals.
  17. What is really laughable is that Golfer and O_U812 actually believe that ALTERNET.ORG, RAWSTORY.COM,and DAILYKOS.COM are legitimate news sources.
  18. According to the State Department 6,000 Americans were evacuated by the U.S. military previous to our 8/31 withdrawal. I have yet to see a media interview with one of those evacuees. Has the Biden Administration ordered those people not to talk to the press for fear the American people will learn the truth of what has happened and is presently happening in Afghanistan under Taliban rule?
  19. I wonder if the Biden Administration and the Taliban are collaborating in an effort to keep Western journalists from being able to report on what is currently happening in Afghanistan? News reports of Taliban violence committed against American citizens, Afghans who were American allies, and Afghan women and children would not look good for the Taliban nor the Biden Administration. So restriction of Western news media coverage would be beneficial to both Joe Biden and the Taliban.
  21. Any decision by the Supreme Court that doesn't fit your liberal progressive agenda is considered to be a bad decision by you. Justices are suppose to rule on the constitutionality of a law not upon the merits of the law. If people don't like a law then they need to elect legislators who will change the law to their liking.
  22. And it is left wing groups like BLM and ANTIFA that are promoting violent overthrow of the government.
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