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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Not nearly as many issues as you. And I don't even login to Chaturbate, I just watch. Have never posted a comment nor made a token tip on that site. Also, my gf who will be over tomorrow is much more real than your fantasy "friends with benefits."
  2. No, the fact that abortion ends a life is the key point about abortion that YOU do not want to talk about.
  3. So you actually believe members of the Republican Party are just as bad as the Taliban? And you want people on this thread to take you seriously? You truly are mentally ill and a joke.
  4. 84% of the American people said we should not have left Afghanistan until all Americans had been evacuated and 71% of Americans said we should not have left Afghanistan until all of our Afghan allies had been evacuated.
  5. Media moving on from Afghanistan even though there are hundreds or maybe even thousands of Americans still stranded in the country? More proof that members of the mainstream media are Biden and Democrat Party ass kissers. The media may have moved on from Afghanistan, but the American people have not moved on from the fact that Joe Biden caused 13 American service people to be killed and purposely abandoned American citizens to the mercy of the Taliban.
  6. Anyone that compares members of an American political party to the Taliban has absolutely no credibility and sounds like a complete and total moron.
  7. Jim Acosta has never been 1% right about anything because he never ever tells the truth about anything.
  8. So now you are a mind reader? No worry that anyone would read your mind, because there is nothing there to read.
  9. You consider yourself to be a champion of women and gay rights, and then praise the intelligence of the Afghan Taliban? How phony you are.
  10. And deciding whether are not to be vaccinated is not a personal health care decision? Liberal progressives are such hypocrites.
  11. Not possible. The last time I sold a vehicle Donald Trump wasn't even a political candidate.
  12. There is no such thing as a safe legal abortion for the baby being killed by the abortion.
  13. Good. Glad to see someone in Congress is concerned about the personal privacy of Americans' phone and internet records. Adam Schiff makes Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy look like a saint.
  14. There is no such thing as a non-partisan committee. The people who choose the members of the committee are partisan and members of the ruling class establishment. Next you'll be trying to convince us that RawStory.com is non-partisan. lol
  15. And almost everyone feels the same way about you, little snowflake .
  16. The photo is just another representation of how insane Democrats have become.
  17. If I had the opportunity I would stick them all over your 2018 Chevy Impala.
  18. Because you have no explanation since what I posted was a documented fact.
  19. Thanks for again displaying your insanity and intolerance for everyone to see.
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