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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. A bigger myth is that ALTERNET.ORG is an unbiased truthful source for news.
  2. And the pro choice movement is nothing more than a pro abortion movement.
  3. The power sharing agreement was not dumped by the Trump administration, it was left to be negotiated by the Afghan government and the Taliban. But when Biden came into office the Taliban decided to take over the country by force rather than negotiate with the Afghan government.
  4. Post something from real news sources rather than left wing propaganda blogs and we might read the stories.
  5. And how long has the U.S. Supreme Court had 9 justices, but now the Democrats want to change that. How long has the filibuster been in effect in the U.S. Senate, but the Democrats want to eliminate it.
  6. For the Nov. 8, 2022 general election in Texas early in person voting starts on Oct.24,'22 and ends on Nov.4,'22. For the last week of early voting polling places are required to be open for 12hrs. during week days. So if people want to avoid long lines there is plenty of opportunity to vote before election day.
  7. But Trump achieved record low unemployment rates for African Americans and Hispanics previous to the pandemic.
  8. Lucky for you for all the abortions you've probably caused for your numerous "friends with benefits."
  9. The Taliban already breached the deal when they took over the country by force. Part of the deal was that they were to negotiate a power sharing agreement with the Afghan government. And when they violated the agreement Biden did nothing except speed up the withdrawal of American troops.
  10. If you were half as intelligent as you believe you are you would be God. Hearing you claim how brilliant you are is laughable. Only people who lack intelligence need to tell everyone how intelligent they are.
  11. I can't think of a better example of pure ignorance than Joe Lockhart.
  12. There should have been no chaotic spare of the moment evacuation, it should have been an orderly organized low key withdrawal of civilians and our Afghan allies over a period of months previous to the 8/31 deadline while we still controlled Kabul and the territory surrounding Kabul. Once the civilians were withdrawn from the country our military equipment and military personnel should have been withdrawn. The chaos and panic was caused by the idiot Joe Biden withdrawing our military before civilians had been removed from the country.
  13. Sorry, but you don't get to decide what I comment on or don't comment on. I and no one else on here have any obligation to read the propaganda blogs you post on this thread. Just like you are not forced to watch Fox News.
  14. Fact: If there was no life at conception there would be no life 9 months later.
  15. I see you are still engaging in lies, distortions and propaganda.
  16. The Texas law bans an abortion when a heart beat is detected. That's much more than "a few cells that are not yet a person". "Or there is a coat hanger in a back alley?" How about there being a birth and then an adoption by people who want a child? Then Hollywood celebrities would not need to travel all the way to Africa to find children to adopt.
  17. When Secretary of State Anthony Blinken goes before Congress to testify about the 13 U.S. service members killed in the Afghanistan evacuation I wonder if he will take the Hillary Clinton Benghazi approach and yell, ' at this point what does it matter anymore?'
  18. What crime have those Republican members of Congress been charged with? We soon will be living in a fascist state if Democrats continue to violate Americans' civil rights.
  19. Now you believe and trust the Taliban? You do live in liberal progressive fairy tale land.
  20. Joe Biden and the Democrats are getting the U.S. economy back to what the Democrats consider normal. The "economic experts" predicted 750,000 jobs would be created in August, 2021, but only 252,00 were created. Not bad, only missed the mark by 1/2 million jobs. Also, the unemployment rate for African Americans rose. Way to go "Sleepy Joe" and Democrat run Congress.
  21. That's right, you know everything about everybody; but in fact you know nothing about anything.
  22. You just perfectly described yourself, little liberal progressive snowflake.😏
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