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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I am loyal to the U.S.Constitution and the American people, not to the criminals in the Democratic Party.
  2. But you weren't being sarcastic. I just caught you in a rare moment of truthfulness.
  3. In the 1960s we tried to end racism through integration, now the "woke left" is promoting segregation to end racism.
  4. You mean the big lie that Trump colluded with the Russians or the big lie that that Joe Biden was fairly elected president?
  5. At least now you are being honest about how Democrats conduct elections. Thanks for that.😏
  6. And you accuse me of living in fantasy land? HR-1 is the Democrats' primary hope for stealing the 2022 elections. In a fair honest election Democrats will lose House seats in a landslide.
  7. Guess that means if the German government crosses Putin at some point in the future Germany may have some very cold winters. Maybe the Germans should rethink the plan to import Russian natural gas.
  8. You are really dumb.They do have a choice, fuck head. She ended the requirement to wear a mask, but if someone wants to wear a mask they can still do it. That's called personal freedom of choice, fool.
  9. All that from inside you? Guess that proves what I've thought for a long time, you were full of shit.
  10. At least Trump didn't bow to the King of Saudi Arabia like Obama did.
  11. I hate Russia? No, I just dislike the leadership of your country of Russia.
  12. I was born here and have lived in the U.S. for 75 years. I don't intend to leave just because an ANITFA snowflake traitorous cowardly child wants me too go.
  13. Why would I ever want to live in a Marxist country like Venezuela? I'd rather stay here and stop people like you from turning America into a Marxist nation.
  14. I told you to stay away from that mirror when you are posting comments.
  15. But you and your ANTIFA and BLM buddies are the ones who burn and loot this beautiful country.
  16. So says the ANTIFA traitor who posted on this thread in Russian.
  17. No, I hate traitors like you, you little ANTIFA piece of shit.
  18. Someone is going to overthrow the U.S. government with a voltage stick? Now you sound like a third rate comedian.
  19. Go to hell, you little ignorant ANTIFA son of a bitch. It is people like you who are destroying our Madisonian Democracy. In fact, the crowd you hang with despise Madison and the rest of the founding fathers.
  20. I think a little ANTIFA communist terrorist like you needs to take your own advice and leave. The U.S. would be much better off if people like you left. You have never and will never add anything positive to this country. Everything about you is negative and destructive.
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