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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And those hearings will be just as ridiculous and unfair as were the impeachment hearings. The hearings will just be another attempt by Democrats to distract from all the socialist/Marxist policies they are trying to ram through Congress and impose upon the American people.
  2. Such deranged verbal garbage." Insurrectionist Brigade"??? Not one gun, knife nor sword by the protesters who invaded the Capitol Building on Jan.6. How the hell do you conduct an insurrection without weapons?
  3. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want to talk about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot so that they will not have to talk to the American people about the socialist/Marxist policies they are trying to push through Congress.
  4. The push for a commission to investigate the Capitol riot is just an attempt by Democrats and the left wing news media to keep a dead story alive. The American people couldn't care less about old news.
  5. Any bi-partisan commission selected by Nancy Pelosi will not be impartial. It will be made up of Democrats and rino Republicans, all of whom hate Trump and his supporters.
  6. And O_U812's Trump derangement syndrome continues. Get that padded cell and straight jacket ready.😏
  7. I school myself, mental retard. Too bad you need experts to tell you how and what to think.
  8. When was the lynching? And Dixietcrats were not Republicans. Dixiegrats were Democrats who broke away from the Democratic Party.
  9. And you are a fucking phony little liberal progressive privileged White boy. And a complete hypocrite.
  10. Lynching tape from the 1950s where Democrats lynched Black people?
  11. If that is the case, then so did Michael Brown, Rayshard Brooks, Anthony Brown jr, and numerous people who resisted arrest and endangered the lives of police officers and other innocent people.
  12. It is a police officer's job to know that a person is armed before shooting them. What the hell do you think the BLM protests have been all about, fool?
  13. The commission will lean Democrat whether approved or not approved by the Senate. Just another witch hunt and distraction from America's real problems.
  14. No. Only the Capitol police officer caused death by shooting an unarmed protester.
  15. When Plouffe accuses the Jan.6 Capitol protesters of committing murder he is a liar.
  16. Putin's puppet "Sleepy Joe Biden" has waived sanctions on the gas pipeline from Russia to Europe but signed an executive order to stop the Keystone pipeline in the U.S.
  17. David Plouffe is a fucking liar. Capitol protesters murdered no one on Jan.6. The only one murdered on Jan.6 was a protester who was shot inside the Capitol Building by a Capitol police officer.
  18. If I don't believe in science nor doctors why did I get the Covid-19 vaccination and why did I go to my doctor yesterday for my annual check up?
  19. You mean the reality presented to you by Putin and your propaganda blogs, comrade Golfer?
  20. In case you missed the news,airhead. Last Sunday two months after Texas eliminated the covid mask mandate the whole state of Texas did not have one covid death for that day.
  21. Who is going to do the mass shooting, you or O_U812, because you Marxist hate freedom?
  22. Too advanced studies for them. They will probably take a course on how to have the U.S. government support you from the cradle to the grave without ever working a day in your life.
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