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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And no one in that video has firsthand knowledge of anything.
  2. Perfect description of your feelings about Donald Trump and his supporters.
  3. Another story based upon another "unnamed source familiar with the investigation." With unnamed sources there is no way to question the story because you don't know who to question. Very convenient strategy for spreading propaganda and fantasies.
  4. The Marxist policies she advocates for definitely scare the shit out of me.
  5. You are the one afraid of the women Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Candace Owens, and Sarah Palin, little ANTIFA snowflake.
  6. At least he's not a Russian agent, which is more than you can say.
  7. Wow! Give that boy a star and pass him on from kindergarten to the first grade.😏
  8. Sounds like Sandy Cortez (AOC) has been looking in a mirror.
  9. Too bad he didn't have his Communist Chinese whore spy there to protect him.
  10. At least he didn't write in Russian like you did, comrade "Prick".
  11. Yesterday Dr. Fauci and the CDC said that vaccinated people do not need to wear masks, so how do they still justify the doctor not being allowed to practice medicine?
  12. Just another slimy attempt by Democrats to remove a conservative Justice from the Supreme Court. With every passing day Democrats are being exposed as the authoritarian Stalinists that they are.
  13. That's because businesses are reopening as the pandemic comes to an end as a result of the covid vaccines developed during the Trump Administration.😏 And businesses are having trouble getting employees to return to work because unemployed people can make more money from the federally enhanced unemployment benefits than they can from working.
  14. The FBI will give Greenberg a plea deal if he tells them the lies they want to hear about Matt Gaetz.
  15. You are so fucking gullible. The truth is that the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of assaulting her had never been in the same room with Brett Kavanaugh until Kavanaugh's Judicial confirmation hearing at the U.S. Capitol.
  16. And when the facts come out it will most likely be shown that AOC started the confrontation.
  17. But AOC yelling at U.S. border Patrol agents for doing their job is just fine?
  18. So you do believe in socialism. This is one of the few times you have been honest about anything on here. However, AOC is not being honest because she calls herself a socialist when she is actually a full blown Marxist Communist.
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