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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Wow! The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has resumed building Trump's wall on our southern border.
  2. Liberals bully and use emotional arguments because they know if their policies and ideas are subjected to logical objective factual scrutiny they will lose the debate.
  3. More propaganda and gas lighting from the left. Let's see what the American people say at the ballot box in 2022 about increasing prices.
  4. Sorry, my life is too important to me to be obsessed with a loser like you.
  5. How the hell is that bigotry, dumb fuck? If your waiter only speaks Spanish because he is from a Spanish speaking country then you will need to speak Spanish to place an order with him. And since a large number of American restaurant workers are unemployed because they can make more money from unemployment benefits than from working there is good possibility that many waiters this summer will be American teenagers and illegal aliens.
  6. Looks like we might have a lot of teenagers and illegal aliens waiting tables in restaurants this summer. Americans may need to learn Spanish just to order a meal in an American restaurant.
  7. Not really, it's costing me money in my retirement funds and costing me more every time I go to the grocery store and gas station. Things cost more and I'll have less money to spend thanks to Jimmy Carter #2 (Joe Biden).
  8. Inflation fears and the threat of higher taxes are beginning to take a toll on the stock market.
  9. By 2022 not only will Republicans and independents be wanting to vote out Democrats, but also a large number of Democrat voters who don't believe in socialism..
  10. The real clowns are all the sexual perverts and criminals who ran The Lincoln Project.😏
  11. You still don't get it, do you? The battle taking place in the Republican Party is Donald Trump and Republican voters vs the Republican Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwellers. The Republicans opposing Trump have no voter support. It's the same battle that took place in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries. People are fed up with career politicians.
  12. If people like higher taxes, higher prices, a stagnate economy, more government regulation of their lives, open borders, rioting and violence in our cities, and one party rule, so be it.
  13. So why have the attorneys' for the so called victims not sued Matt Gaetz for sexual assault?
  14. The "Never-Trumpers" will have a party with a bunch of Washington D.C. establishment swamp dwellers and no voters.
  15. Your Trump derangement syndrome is eating you alive. How long before you end up in a padded cell?
  16. Return to the Future? Gas lines in the southeast just like in the 1970s under Jimmy Carter. Joe Biden met with Jimmy Carter this past weekend. Appears Joe is taking advice from Carter on how to become a failed president.
  17. The beacon of truth, Michael Cohen, the man who went to prison for lying.
  18. Now I understand why you support Joe Biden, the Democrats, ANTIFA, and BLM. You know that they will help Putin to attain his goal of destroying the U.S. as a free nation.
  19. The above comment tells us a lot about who you really are. Thanks for revealing your true identity and allegiance, comrade "Prick".
  20. Maybe the dictator Nancy Pelosi will change House rules so that Democrats can reinstate her.
  21. After the 2022 election Liz Cheney will no longer be a member of Congress. Wyoming Republicans will get rid of her in the primary election. Then she'll have plenty of time to talk over her war mongering policies with her daddy back in Wyoming.
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